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Dr. McCullough’s Latest Bird Flu Update: How To Stay Safe and Informed

Dr. McCullough’s Latest Bird Flu Update: How To Stay Safe and Informed

Recently, Dr. McCullough released an update on where we stand with the bird flu (H5N1), where this is heading and what we can do to stay safe and informed:

1. Dr. McCullough says the mass destruction of livestock in order to “eradicate” the virus is “futile” and will only work to constrain our food supply – not end the spread of bird flu.
2. Dr. McCullough believes it is clear at this point that the rapid spread of bird flu to migratory birds and mammals is the result of gain-of-function serial passage research and a lab leak. A set-up that looks eerily like how COVID-19 was released on the globe.
3. Dr. McCullough rightly points out that the fearmongering around the bird flu is being promulgated by big pharma in order to facilitate mass vaccination of animals and humans all of which will line the pockets of the bio-pharmaceutical complex and their NGO backers.


Reacting to the first three points in Dr McCullough's article:

1. I have no doubt that this is the intended purpose.

2. I have little doubt that this is true.

3. I have no doubt that this is also true.

Peter McCullough is a brave man, a noted cardiologist who risked his entire career on standing up against the COVID-19 lies. He has been accused of being a purveyor of misinformation about the pandemic, and has been threatened with the revocation of his medical license. But he has stood firm and has not backed down. And the medical researchers who are examining the dangers of MRNA vaccines have supported everything he has said. I know nothing about his Wellness Company referred to in point four of his article, but, based on everything I know about him, it is probably a sound initiative.
Sounds like a practical kit. Watch out for the dates on the meds - they do have a best before date and you can use them a bit after that- beyond 6 to 12 months after expiry, you might be harming yourself rather than helping.

For those unwilling or unable to get these, there are some other possibilities. Do your own research, your mileage may vary, this is NOT medical advice, merely a guide to where to start looking for helpful tips on how to avoid getting really sick with any virus.

Quercetin acts like Ivermectin, not as strong, but in a pinch it's a good supplement to have on hand. I don't take it regularly, just when I think I"m coming down with something. common in Tea, onions and I think apples if I recall correctly if you prefer to go straight to the source.

Vitamin D (with Vitamin K2) will boost the immune system - most of the deaths and severe disease with Covid happened to correlate with low blood levels of Vit D and you need K2 to help higher doses of Vit D actually work well in the body. Works to prevent flu and colds or if you get them, they are milder. Get out in the sunshine! Let your body make some of it's own vit D in addition to supplementation. Sunshine kills germs too.

Coconut oil. This has antiviral as well as antibiotic and antifungal effects. Take a spoonful daily if you can, cold pressed, virgin coconut oil. Gargle it a bit at the back of the throat before swallowing after it liquefies. (See Listerine below for why) It'll also help you absorb fat soluble vitamins like Vitamin D better.

Specific to Covid was the Pepcid AC and Reactine combination. That came about when an allergist and a gastroenterologist got together at some convention during Covid and swapped stories of how their highly at risk patients seemed immune to the worst of Covid. Those 2 OTC drugs are ACE 2 inhibitors (I think, I'm going on memory here) and tied up the ACE2 receptors in the lungs and the gut which is how Covid did a lot of it's damage.

Depending on what "gain of function" got gained by this recent new version of bird flu it might be worth a shot. At worst you simply won't have excess stomach acid or hay fever to complicate life.

I can't remember exactly where these particular flu viruses replicate when they hit a human host but if it's the usual back of the nose and throat, then a good gargle with BIG BLUE otherwise known as Listerine Cool Mint (the big blue bottle) has actually been proven to stop cold viruses from replicating, and slow down and dial back a good infection.

It certainly saved lives in Covid. 2 areas of the world used similar mouthwashes in Thailand I think it was and definitely in Brazil and they managed to save all their patients on that protocal, which was gargling with mouthwash 4 times a day from the onset of symptoms. They didn't have Tamiflu or other expensive meds. They worked with what they had.

At best you could help yourself get better faster (or avoid it altogether) and if you do get seriously ill, at least you'll have minty fresh breath. Like the Pepcid AC and Reactine combination, there is very little down side.
Quercetin acts like Ivermectin, not as strong, but in a pinch it's a good supplement to have on hand. I don't take it regularly, just when I think I"m coming down with something. common in Tea, onions and I think apples if I recall correctly if you prefer to go straight to the source.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away :lol:

Specific to Covid was the Pepcid AC and Reactine combination. That came about when an allergist and a gastroenterologist got together at some convention during Covid and swapped stories of how their highly at risk patients seemed immune to the worst of Covid. Those 2 OTC drugs are ACE 2 inhibitors (I think, I'm going on memory here) and tied up the ACE2 receptors in the lungs and the gut which is how Covid did a lot of it's damage.

Depending on what "gain of function" got gained by this recent new version of bird flu it might be worth a shot. At worst you simply won't have excess stomach acid or hay fever to complicate life.

I'd research ACE and ACE2 inhibitors in general, especially in the Canadian literature, since I'm taking thyroid meds . . .

(not medical advice, simply an educational consideration/aside).