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Don't Believe Anything I Tell You

Andy C

Seldom do I use a bible commentary, as my preferred study method is reading scripture. Yes, I know there are a few good commentaries out there, and at times, they can help out as a quick reference. For me, gone are the days when I could recite biblical passages from memory. So when needed, I like reading from Jacks website, (as well as a few others) as all of his writings includes the pertinent scriptures. However, even then, the below excerpts from the linked article by Jack is good advice:

From Jack:

I’d like to suggest a different approach and that is to follow the directions Paul gave us in Acts 17:11. Complimenting the Bereans, he said they received his message with all readiness of heart but searched the scriptures daily to see if the things he said were true.

The Bereans neither accepted nor rejected Paul’s message out of hand but listened with an open mind and then studied the Scripture to see if God’s word confirmed what Paul was saying before making up their minds.

This means two things. First, any Bible teacher’s message must conform to Scripture, and second, it’s up to us to make sure it does before accepting it. We shouldn’t reject any reasonable teaching out of hand, but neither should we accept any teaching until we’ve personally confirmed that it’s consistent with God’s word. And that doesn’t just mean we see if they’re really quoting the Bible. We also have to make sure the verses they’re using actually apply in the way they’re suggesting.

The point of this is to remind us that whenever we hear a Bible teaching we’re to keep an open mind about it, but search the Scriptures ourselves to see if it’s consistent with God’s word before deciding whether to accept or reject it. It’s a great way to learn what the Bible really says.

that doesn’t just mean we see if they’re really quoting the Bible. We also have to make sure the verses they’re using actually apply in the way they’re suggesting.
Context is everything. Does it line up with the rest of the passage they quote and the whole larger teachings of the Bible on that subject. GOOD ARTICLE by Jack.