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DOJ Uses KKK-Era Charge to Extend Prison Time for Pro-Life Activists

Tall Timbers

Imperfect but forgiven
Staff member
Pro-life activists who prayed and sang hymns during a peaceful protest at a Tennessee abortion clinic in 2021 could spend 11 years behind bars thanks to the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) use of a federal law created to target Ku Klux Klan members after the Civil War.

Not only were these six activists charged with violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act — a misdemeanor charge that carries with it fines and a maximum prison sentence of one year for a first offense — they were also charged with “conspiracy against rights,” colloquially referred to as the “KKK Act.” Conspiracy against rights carries a ten-year maximum sentence, heavily bolstering potential prison time.

“The KKK Act automatically turns any violation of an underlying law — or if you conspired to violate a federal law — it converts it to a felony,” Thomas More Society Executive Vice President and general counsel Andrew Bath told Breitbart News in an extensive phone interview. “So now you’re facing a felony prosecution, even if your conviction under the FACE Act would’ve been a misdemeanor.”

This is just one example of the US Govmint persecuting citizens who hold to traditional American Judeo Christian values.
So now singing Psalms is considered high treason agains man made laws.
In a way it adds up. Satan controls the unhinged delusional sheeple.
And the only opposition left is those pesky Christians.

It is the eternal fight of Satan against God, that we see waxing worse in our day and age.

Be sober‭‭, be vigilant‭‭; because‭ your‭ adversary‭ the devil‭, as‭ a roaring‭‭ lion‭, walketh about‭‭,
seeking‭‭ whom‭ he may devour‭‭

I Peter 5:8

For‭ we‭ wrestle‭ not‭ against‭‭‭ flesh‭ and‭ blood‭, but‭ against‭ ‭principalities‭‭, against‭ powers‭,
against‭ the rulers‭ of the darkness‭ of this‭ world‭, against‭ spiritual‭ wickedness‭ in‭ high‭ ‭places‭.‭

Eph. 6:12

But Satan is soon to be defeated. God will finish what He promised!

‭And‭ the God‭ of peace‭ shall bruise‭‭ Satan‭ under‭ your‭ feet‭ shortly‭‭.
The grace‭ of our‭ Lord‭ Jesus‭ Christ‭ ‭be‭ with‭ you‭. Amen‭.‭

Rom. 16:20
Praying for the Pro-Life activists that are persecuted, and bless them.
And for all that are persecuted because of the Name of Jesus Christ.

Blessed‭ are ye‭‭, when‭ ‭men‭ shall revile‭‭ you‭, and‭ ‭persecute‭‭‭ ‭you‭,
and‭ shall say‭‭ all manner‭ of evil‭‭ against‭ you‭ falsely‭‭, for my sake‭‭.‭
‭Rejoice‭‭, and‭ be exceeding glad‭‭: for‭ great‭ ‭is‭ your‭ reward‭ in‭ heaven‭:
for‭ so‭ persecuted they‭‭ the prophets‭ which‭ were before‭ you‭.‭

Matt 5:11-12