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Different Logic


Just waiting for the Rapture at this point!
Different Logic

People always want to use different logic when it comes to Christianity. What I mean by that is they say until I understand this, that and the other I refuse to believe. So what’s wrong with that? They do not use this logic with anything else. As example, has anyone ever told you that they refuse to believe a dictionary or a science book until you can prove that each and everything in the books are proven to be correct? Most of us don’t understand how a plane can fly, but we are most happy to climb aboard.

Am I saying that you should not question things and just accept things blindly? No, not at all. Questions are good because you can receive answers that build up your faith when answered correctly. My point is that unbelievers who agree with most of the Bible will stumble on one or two points. Why? Because they do not want to believe. If I didn’t want to believe the dictionary, I can find some words that are defined incorrectly. So should I throw the dictionary out? No! So why is this an excuse to throw the Bible out?

Now there are of course some who are truly struggling with a question that is a stumbling block to their salvation. We should of course try our best to answer them in kindness so that they may believe. On the other hand there are others who simply DON’T WANT TO BELIEVE and will just use every little excuse they can find. For those it’s all smoke and mirrors as they use a different logic for Christianity than they use in their every day life.

Some like to say that man wrote the bible, so they cannot believe it. We know those men were inspired by God. But in any case, didn’t man write every book that one reads including science books? So why do they believe those books?

Here is a logical rule.
Never let that which you don’t understand cause you to question that which you do understand! Would you refuse to believe in gravity because you don’t understand quantum physics? We do use this logical rule in life, but some of us refuse to use this same logic when it comes to God.

Goodboy :)
Amen, and a common rebuttal by an unbeliever in relation to the bible.

Why is it that it is good for archelologists and scientists to discover truths by using the old testament as a reference point for their studies yet they don't want to accept the ultimate truth of Jesus