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Did You Give God An IOU? :: By Nathele Graham

Andy C

“When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost” (John 19:30).

You know what an IOU is, right? It’s a promise you make when someone has done something for you, and you can’t repay them for the kindness right then. You give an IOU, meaning that you appreciate what they did for you and at some future time you will repay what is owed. Depending upon how much integrity you have, you will repay your debt as soon as possible, or you will ignore the obligation entirely.

When you came to Christ, like every Christian who ever has lived, you understood that Christ paid a debt for you that you could never pay for yourself. He paid for your redemption from sin and gave you eternal life. Unless you really understand the debt He paid, you can never be grateful enough.

God created all things, but these days there is a very satanic push to question God’s truth. It’s really a no-brainer. If you think evolution is true, you believe that nothing exploded and created everything. Maybe you think a vacationing group of aliens stopped on earth to have a picnic and we evolved from the crumbs they left. Really? It’s amazing what can be imagined when people try to deny God.
