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Democrats Vow Fierce Attack, 'Oversight' on Supreme Court

Everlasting Life

By grace, through faith in Jesus

Congressional Democrats fumed in the aftermath of Monday's Supreme Court ruling regarding presidential immunity and vowed "aggressive oversight and legislative activity" of the equal third branch of government.

Democrats were responding to the court's 6-3 decision that said presidents have immunity for official acts in their capacity. As it pertains to former President Donald Trump, the high court's ruling kicks back to a lower court whether his acts to allegedly overturn the 2020 election are tantamount to "official" or not.

The ruling set off Democrats who vowed to impose term limits and ethics rules on justices, expand the court and, in one case, impeach conservative justices....


Congressional Democrats fumed in the aftermath of Monday's Supreme Court ruling regarding presidential immunity and vowed "aggressive oversight and legislative activity" of the equal third branch of government.

Democrats were responding to the court's 6-3 decision that said presidents have immunity for official acts in their capacity. As it pertains to former President Donald Trump, the high court's ruling kicks back to a lower court whether his acts to allegedly overturn the 2020 election are tantamount to "official" or not.

The ruling set off Democrats who vowed to impose term limits and ethics rules on justices, expand the court and, in one case, impeach conservative justices....

Isn't that just like the Democrats to throw a hissy fit. If they don't get their way, they act like childish brats. Now they are threatening to get even with the Justices. There is a thread on USA about the immunity the Supreme Court provides a win for Trump that my husband Jeff put on earlier.
The Democrats clearly do not understand how the government of the United States is set up. The Founding Fathers did not provide for a way for people to control the Supreme Court, because the purpose of that august body is neither legislative nor executive. Their role is to ensure that the people of the United States have equal access to justice and to protect the public from government misfeasance by ensuring the Constitution is followed.

Congressional Democrats fumed in the aftermath of Monday's Supreme Court ruling regarding presidential immunity and vowed "aggressive oversight and legislative activity" of the equal third branch of government.

Democrats were responding to the court's 6-3 decision that said presidents have immunity for official acts in their capacity. As it pertains to former President Donald Trump, the high court's ruling kicks back to a lower court whether his acts to allegedly overturn the 2020 election are tantamount to "official" or not.

The ruling set off Democrats who vowed to impose term limits and ethics rules on justices, expand the court and, in one case, impeach conservative justices....

Guess it’s okay for Bribem to ignore them, but when the conservatives of America score a break in favor of Democracy that calls for flat out hissy fit by threatening the US Supreme Court Justices. Hmm…

What’s good for the goose should be sauce for the gander. Tough luck Dems..America is fed up with your criminal acts against us citizens! God bless and protect them!
The Democrats clearly do not understand how the government of the United States is set up. The Founding Fathers did not provide for a way for people to control the Supreme Court, because the purpose of that august body is neither legislative nor executive. Their role is to ensure that the people of the United States have equal access to justice and to protect the public from government misfeasance by ensuring the Constitution is followed.
More like, they do, but they don't like who's in office and what they're doing, so trying to misuse mechanisms of government to subvert the intentions and safeguards of the Constitution :mad:

As much as I dislike Nancy and her politics, she sure knows how to make government and political procedures and processes work to get the results she wants.
Knowing where all the skeletons are doesn't hurt, either.