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Democrat Donor Arrested for Starting Massive Fire Democrats Blamed on Climate Change

Everlasting Life

By grace, through faith in Jesus
Here's the face of 'climate change causing fires':


What happened: Authorities busted a Democratic donor for allegedly starting a "ginormous inferno" in Yosemite National Park. Democratic politicians had insisted climate change was to blame for the blaze, which destroyed more than 100 homes and injured several firefighters in July 2022.

• Edward Fredrick Wackerman (his actual name) of Mariposa, Calif., faces a number of charges including aggravated arson following his arrest on Friday.

What they're [now] saying: "Ed Wackerman is facing several felony charges, including aggravated arson. These charges carry serious legal consequences and the District Attorney is committed to ensuring a fair trial and upholding justice," Mariposa County District Attorney Walter Wall said in a statement. Authorities did not say how Wackerman is believed to have started the fire.....

Previous to the arrest, what was being said by the political and "news" talking heads as THE reason for the fire was "climate change." :eek:
I'm sure most of the Canadian wildfires have had the same "climate change" cause as this Yosemite fire had. The Left really is despicable in its headlong charge towards what it (mistakenly) believes will be a worldwide utopia.