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Debunking Popular Lies About Premillennialism

By Jonathan Brentner for Harbinger 's Daily
May 17, 2024

Has the definition of Premillennialism changed in the past few decades? I ask this because during the past several years, a few pastors told me they were Premillennial, but they didn’t adhere to a futuristic interpretation of the book of Revelation or the restoration of a kingdom to Israel.

For me, Premillennialism has always signified a belief in Jesus’ return to earth after a literal seven-year Tribulation at which time He will setup His thousand-year rule over the nations of the earth, which certainly includes a gloriously restored Israel.

What’s causing the shift away from these beliefs that were a mainstay of Bible-believing churches for much of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries?

Could it be that just as with the Rapture, there’s a stigma attached to it because of the errant assumptions that people make about Premillennialism?

Let’s examine some of the popular lies that Christians often accept as facts....


From the article: Replacement Theology is home to those who reject both the thousand-year reign of Jesus and the restoration of Israel. As the name suggests, they mistakenly believe that God rejected the nation and replaced it with the church, which in their view represents the fulfillment of His OT kingdom promises.