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Daze of Deception

Andy C

The following excerpt was written by Pastor Jack Hibbs in his powerful new book Living in the Daze of Deception. Jack has emerged as a prophetic voice to America, warning of the wrath to come if we continue to shake our fist at God.)

Anyone that has driven in areas of thick fog knows how disorienting and disastrous—sometimes deadly—fog can be. In November 2007, thick fog settled onto a twisting section of Interstate 5 in California’s Tehachapi Mountains. The resulting 108-car pileup extended for nearly a mile and caused two deaths and 40 injuries.

In today’s world, fog characterizes the disorienting daze in which we have entered and now live. Hence my title; I intentionally substituted “daze” in place of “days”.

Usually, when the word days is mentioned, most people understand it to concern a specific time or period. Certainly, the Bible speaks of a specific time that will visit humanity—a time of unparalleled difficulty such as the world has never seen. But my primary focus is to help you identify the daze of deception enveloping us today.

Deception, like fog, acts as camouflage—blurring and concealing what is right in front of us. Safely navigating it requires us to use the same precautions drivers use—take heed of flashing lights or warning signals ahead and keep an eye out for patches of clear sky, or in this case, biblical truth, to act as a guide.

Various dictionaries define daze as the inability to think or react properly, to be bewildered or numbed. Synonyms include stupefy, shock, confound, and distract. I believe each of these words can be applied to people’s reaction to the all-encompassing sinister changes taking place today. More than any time in recent memory, people are demonstrating an extraordinary lack of judgment and the inability to think or act appropriately when it comes to what they believe and how they live. How is this happening? Why like never before in history?

From the article:
"'Notice that in the midst of all that calamity and sorrow, Jesus said, “See that you are not troubled.” You might assume I’m suggesting you put on a happy face and think positive thoughts, and everything will be fine. Not so.

I appreciate how the late Dr. Ed Hindson put the difficulty of prophetic events into perspective when he said, “Bible prophecy is not given to us to scare us but to prepare us. It is not given to us to frighten us but to invite us.'”​
I watched Jack Hibbs talking about this on his video, and he has a book out on it. We are seeing lots of deception going on. One (Democrat) party wants the other (Republican) party to be accountable, but the other (Democrat) party thinks they are above being held accountable.