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Daymond Duck Article

Spartan Sprinter

Interesting tidbit about Rosh Hashana

Here are some reports that seem to indicate that the end of the age is near.

One, concerning the possibility of the Rapture occurring at the sound of the Great Blast (last trump) on a future Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah) I Cor. 15:51-52; I Thess. 4:13-18; Rev. 4:1-2): I have been asked when is the Feast of Trumpets in 2024?

We do not know that the Rapture will happen in 2024, but we do know that the Jews will blow the trumpet 100 times on Oct. 3-4, 2024, and the Great Blast (100th trump; last trump) will be on October 4 at 6:19 pm in Israel (10:19 am Central Time in the U.S.).

Well I decided if the Rapture doesn't happen this fall I'm going to buy a new purse. Twenty minutes after the Fall Feasts finish!

The one and only purse I've been using since pre Covid days is looking a little the worse for wear. Its a light nylon fabric crossbody, so it's dying an ugly death.

I don't want to waste money on a purse that might not even arrive before the fall feasts- and if I get raptured I won't care --but I figure I will use the purse as a consolation prize if I have to wait another year or more. At least then I can enjoy it.

Besides which I need time to think about it all. The Rapture, a new purse, all rolling around in what passes for my brain these days.

And if we get Raptured, then bonus, I didn't waste money on a new purse!!!

Years ago I had a nice plastic fake snake one that I named Eve's Revenge! It was a snake, a fake, dead, stuffed and I dragged it into church every Sunday. Therefore I named it Eve's Revenge!

It eventually cracked and died as fake snakes tend to, but I sure enjoyed looking down on the floor in church where I parked it and smiling at the thought of the enemy getting his comeuppance one day.

This will be my Waiting for the Rapture purse. The last one I ever buy hopefully. The one that will last till I go up in the Rapture.

I did see one with a kind of crocodile pattern embossed into the leather!!!!
Serious note- that article is excellent. Daymond is good, but this is one of his best.

I can't get over the fact that this current war in Israel- foisted upon Israel- started just as the Fall Feasts were concluding in Israel as the people were relaxed and celebrating.

It continues - dragging on with the rest of the world dragging Israel back from finishing things.

It will be a year on Oct 6, also at the time of the Fall Feasts which begin on Oct 2 and last for 10 days (the 10 days of Awe covering Rosh Hashanah, starting on the 2, then the days of fasting culminating in Yom Kippur on the 11-12th.

That concludes the 10 days of Awe, but there are 2 feasts, one biblical that still form part of the Fall Feasts. I still can't get over the way that Don Koenig put it shortly after the war began last year here: Did Oct 7, 2023 start The 10 days (years) of awe for Israel? - as it certainly fits as a strong possibility.

Sukkot which we know as Tabernacles is next on the schedule Oct 16-18 and

Simchat Torah on Oct 23-25 and that is the end of the old Torah reading cycle beginning the new year of readings.

Don points out that it was exactly 50 years from the Yom Kippur war in 1973, but that was 25 years and a few months after Israel became a nation in 1948.

Which means that last fall was 75 years plus a few months of Israel in her land again. This fall it's 76 and a few months. That fig tree generation if a generation is 70 to 80 years and if it applies to a generation from the time of Israel's becoming a nation again in modern times, is ticking along.
Serious note- that article is excellent. Daymond is good, but this is one of his best.

I can't get over the fact that this current war in Israel- foisted upon Israel- started just as the Fall Feasts were concluding in Israel as the people were relaxed and celebrating.

It continues - dragging on with the rest of the world dragging Israel back from finishing things.

It will be a year on Oct 6, also at the time of the Fall Feasts which begin on Oct 2 and last for 10 days (the 10 days of Awe covering Rosh Hashanah, starting on the 2, then the days of fasting culminating in Yom Kippur on the 11-12th.

That concludes the 10 days of Awe, but there are 2 feasts, one biblical that still form part of the Fall Feasts. I still can't get over the way that Don Koenig put it shortly after the war began last year here: Did Oct 7, 2023 start The 10 days (years) of awe for Israel? - as it certainly fits as a strong possibility.

Sukkot which we know as Tabernacles is next on the schedule Oct 16-18 and

Simchat Torah on Oct 23-25 and that is the end of the old Torah reading cycle beginning the new year of readings.

Don points out that it was exactly 50 years from the Yom Kippur war in 1973, but that was 25 years and a few months after Israel became a nation in 1948.

Which means that last fall was 75 years plus a few months of Israel in her land again. This fall it's 76 and a few months. That fig tree generation if a generation is 70 to 80 years and if it applies to a generation from the time of Israel's becoming a nation again in modern times, is ticking along.
Thanks A mill Margery, i musta speed read that article because i totally missed that part, that is quite amazing as you say.

I also posted part of another article from Randy Nettles says this about next year,

Isn’t it amazing that next year, in 2025, we will be in the same time frame as when Jesus began his earthly ministry? The two spring new moons are nearly identical except for a nine-day difference (out of 1995 years). Could it be we are in the season of the Lord’s return? In the next installment, we will go even further back into the time of Moses and Joshua and look at the timing of the first three Passovers (and the new moons that preceded them) recorded in the Bible.

Until then, “Look up, and lift your heads, because your redemption draws near” (Luke 21:28)"
Well I decided if the Rapture doesn't happen this fall I'm going to buy a new purse. Twenty minutes after the Fall Feasts finish!

The one and only purse I've been using since pre Covid days is looking a little the worse for wear. Its a light nylon fabric crossbody, so it's dying an ugly death.

I don't want to waste money on a purse that might not even arrive before the fall feasts- and if I get raptured I won't care --but I figure I will use the purse as a consolation prize if I have to wait another year or more. At least then I can enjoy it.

Besides which I need time to think about it all. The Rapture, a new purse, all rolling around in what passes for my brain these days.

And if we get Raptured, then bonus, I didn't waste money on a new purse!!!

Years ago I had a nice plastic fake snake one that I named Eve's Revenge! It was a snake, a fake, dead, stuffed and I dragged it into church every Sunday. Therefore I named it Eve's Revenge!

It eventually cracked and died as fake snakes tend to, but I sure enjoyed looking down on the floor in church where I parked it and smiling at the thought of the enemy getting his comeuppance one day.

This will be my Waiting for the Rapture purse. The last one I ever buy hopefully. The one that will last till I go up in the Rapture.

I did see one with a kind of crocodile pattern embossed into the leather!!!!
I love this Margery! Maybe I will buy myself a “consolation prize” too! :hug:
I don't want to waste money on a purse that might not even arrive before the fall feasts- and if I get raptured I won't care --but I figure I will use the purse as a consolation prize if I have to wait another year or more. At least then I can enjoy it.
Im a little confused - as usual. How is it a waste of money? Either way the money is spent and the only question is if you will still be here to use it.:) Its kind of like when we go out to dinner, and my wife feels guilty for ordering too much food and thinks its a waste of money because she cant finish it. My view is the money is already spent regardless of how much she consumes.

I dont hold the view the rapture will be in conjunction with any Jewish holiday. When the fullness of gentiles comes in, up we go!
Im a little confused - as usual. How is it a waste of money? Either way the money is spent and the only question is if you will still be here to use it.

Well, if it's purchased, with say matching shoes, and the Rapture occurs, and the only scavengers that come across them are too uppity for faux crocodile and want real crocodile... so the purse and shoes get buried under the dust of time and wrath and never get used... that would be most unfortunate.
Well, if it's purchased, with say matching shoes, and the Rapture occurs, and the only scavengers that come across them are too uppity for faux crocodile and want real crocodile... so the purse and shoes get buried under the dust of time and wrath and never get used... that would be most unfortunate.
Who knew amongst your many talents, fashion coordinator shines!
Maybe you could find some matching shoes.
OK now you dun it! I needed to get some shoes anyways- I wear my Clarks black leather loafers as my main shoe all year every year and NOW THAT YOU MENTION IT- they are nearly ready to replace- I think I bought this pair in 2020 and it's about time.

Great idea- keeping with the theme---

LOOKING FOR SOMETHING REPTILIAN! Stompin' on the head of you know who!!!

Im a little confused - as usual. How is it a waste of money? Either way the money is spent and the only question is if you will still be here to use it.:) Its kind of like when we go out to dinner, and my wife feels guilty for ordering too much food and thinks its a waste of money because she cant finish it. My view is the money is already spent regardless of how much she consumes.

I dont hold the view the rapture will be in conjunction with any Jewish holiday. When the fullness of gentiles comes in, up we go!
It's partly budget. I have the money, it's set aside for such reasons in my "margery sinking fund" bank account which is for clothes, makeup and other such "essentials" that aren't a routine part of the budget.

BUT for no particular reason other than the fact that I bought 2 new sweaters (thanks LLBean for that 15% off Labour Day sale) in September to replace 2 that died, I'm feeling a total wave of cheapskate ness (not a word but hey, who is checking my grammar???- CLOSE YOUR EYES ADRIAN!) coming on.

Beautiful sweaters- (cashmere, one in burgundy, the other in forest green- such a splurge) but like the purse and shoes, probably won't get much use till the weather cools off enough to wear them all. :lol:

I'm still recovering from summer heat problems, so I figure by mid October I'll be ready to wow the people at Walmart grocery pickup, AND my pharmacy on Senior's Thursdays because I gotta keep up appearances.

Oddly enough that would also coincide with the feeling of Rats!!! We didn't get Raptured! In case I was setting my hopes too hard onto the Rapture (I know I'm kidding - just taking advantage of an opportunity for some fun)

MEANWHILE I'm Rapture Ready any time and making my own fashion statement meanwhile!!!

But the purse and shoes will wait till October's instalment of the budget because if I don't TOE the line for my budget, nobody else will. :lol: yes, pun intended.