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Damascus Watch


Keeping my eyes 👀 on DAMASCUS and SYRIA 🇸🇾 Israeli government minister and war cabinet member Gideon Saar threatened Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad on October 27th, warning that ASSAD will be “in danger” if SYRIA continues to act as a “conduit” for Hezbollah.

Gideon Saar rejoined Benjamin Netanyahu’s government last month, and said during a conference that Tel Aviv “missed an opportunity” to “collapse” SYRIA'S government, which was “saved” by Iran and Hezbollah.

Syria must not be permitted “under any circumstances to be a conduit for weapons supply from Iran to Hezbollah,” adding that “Israel must make clear to Assad that if he chooses to harm Israeli security in this manner, he places ALL OF SYRIA regime in danger.”

Israel “will not agree to Hezbollah’s renewed buildup of power through Syria, and will not agree to the opening of a war front against it from Syrian territory,” he said.

“REMOVING Assad from the Iranian axis will have far-reaching consequences for Israel’s security.”

Time is ticking.
