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Creepy Bill Gates Envisions a 3-Day Work Week Powered by AI

Business Insider reports that in a recent episode of Trevor Noah’s What Now? podcast, billionaire and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates shared his insights on the potential impact of artificial intelligence on the future of work. Gates suggested that as AI technology progresses, it could pave the way for a society where people may only need to work three days a week to earn a living wage.

During the podcast, Noah inquired about the potential threat of AI to jobs, to which Gates responded by envisioning a future where machines could handle many tasks, such as food production and manufacturing, allowing humans to work less. “If you eventually get a society where you only have to work three days a week, that’s probably OK,” Gates remarked.

While Gates acknowledges the transformative power of AI, he has also been vocal about the risks associated with its misuse. In a comprehensive blog post published in July, he compared the impact of AI to that of the introduction of the personal computer. “Word processing applications didn’t do away with office work, but they changed it forever,” Gates wrote. “Employers and employees had to adapt, and they did.”

Gates is not alone in his prediction of a shorter work week. JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon also foresees a future where the next generation of workers may only need to work 3.5 days a week due to AI advancements. In an interview with Bloomberg in October, Dimon stated, “Your children will live to 100 and not have cancer because of technology and they’ll probably be working three and a half days a week.”


The convenience of AI to take over the work force will lessen the need for humans to work, and that means less income for humans and less affordability to make a living.
All to force people to depend on government to take care of them, and an eventual Universal Basic Income for more DEI just as the globalists want in their agenda.
The convenience of AI to take over the work force will lessen the need for humans to work, and that means less income for humans and less affordability to make a living.
All to force people to depend on government to take care of them, and an eventual Universal Basic Income for more DEI just as the globalists want in their agenda.
And also much less need to have people living on this planet to produce necessities and luxuries. Fits perfectly with the globalists depopulation plans.
And also much less need to have people living on this planet to produce necessities and luxuries. Fits perfectly with the globalists depopulation plans.
They want chaos.
They know that the more they take away from what God has given man to do and rob people from humanity and leave many in a desperate state to survive, it will cause more lawlessness and while some turn to their leaders for help other's will take matters into their own hands. This will cause more violence and that's what the globalists want. They continue to do things to bring order out of chaos to bring people to their knees in submission to the globalists who claim they are the only ones with the answers to bring order and unity to the world.
I don't think a lot of people could handle that much idle time in their lives.
Globalist Yuval Harrari thinks people will be happy being on drugs and playing video games. That's not realistic because it would be a false happiness because of the drugs. Humans were made to work with their hands, only sin made work by the sweat of man's brow. But working does give humans a sense of satisfaction when the work has been accomplished. Being brought to doing nothing takes away what comes natural for a human being.
Business Insider reports that in a recent episode of Trevor Noah’s What Now? podcast, billionaire and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates shared his insights on the potential impact of artificial intelligence on the future of work. Gates suggested that as AI technology progresses, it could pave the way for a society where people may only need to work three days a week to earn a living wage.

During the podcast, Noah inquired about the potential threat of AI to jobs, to which Gates responded by envisioning a future where machines could handle many tasks, such as food production and manufacturing, allowing humans to work less. “If you eventually get a society where you only have to work three days a week, that’s probably OK,” Gates remarked.

While Gates acknowledges the transformative power of AI, he has also been vocal about the risks associated with its misuse. In a comprehensive blog post published in July, he compared the impact of AI to that of the introduction of the personal computer. “Word processing applications didn’t do away with office work, but they changed it forever,” Gates wrote. “Employers and employees had to adapt, and they did.”

Gates is not alone in his prediction of a shorter work week. JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon also foresees a future where the next generation of workers may only need to work 3.5 days a week due to AI advancements. In an interview with Bloomberg in October, Dimon stated, “Your children will live to 100 and not have cancer because of technology and they’ll probably be working three and a half days a week.”


But who's going to take care of all the elderly, who can no longer do for themselves, and who'll pay for it? Elder care is extremely time-consuming and labor intensive. If not robots, then the generation(s) behind all those elderly will find themselves caring for parents and grandparents, thus losing income and having reduced life spans and quality of life.

Globalist Yuval Harrari thinks people will be happy being on drugs and playing video games. That's not realistic because it would be a false happiness because of the drugs. Humans were made to work with their hands, only sin made work by the sweat of man's brow. But working does give humans a sense of satisfaction when the work has been accomplished. Being brought to doing nothing takes away what comes natural for a human being.

and having lots of babies, thus thwarting depopulation plans. God is in control and always has a way to fix "problems." :hyper:
and maybe growing organic veggies and fruits in their "spare time," again thwarting TPTB :big grin; :lol:

and speaking of God, yet another way AI is/will contribute to evil is the greatly reduced work week:

8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
11 For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.
Exodus 20:8-11,KJV

Unfortunately, having all that "free time" will be necessary for the greatly increased housework (cleaning) made necessary by people being at home instead of work. Since women still do the vast majority of housework and would probably have to take on this increase, is it reasonable to say AI is misogynistic and a curse to women?

EDITED TO ADD: Just realized, if everyone has a 3 1/2 day work week and isn't making enough to live, will that mean "everyone" will take a second job,and thus be working seven days a week, and so not be able to observe one day a week off/as his or her sabbath? Yet another attack on God and the church :mad: :apost: :ban:
But who's going to take care of all the elderly, who can no longer do for themselves, and who'll pay for it? Elder care is extremely time-consuming and labor intensive. If not robots, then the generation(s) behind all those elderly will find themselves caring for parents and grandparents, thus losing income and having reduced life spans and quality of life.
Japan is already facing this and their solution -the robots they are designing and building. But it's backfiring on them as this article here shows: Inside Japan’s long experiment in automating elder care

I'll summarize it- the robots end up creating more work than the work they save. In robot fashion they require humans to transport them to the bedside, fix them when they fail, do the job they failed at etc. 2 decades of effort in Japan is turning out to be a bust.

I suspect
And also much less need to have people living on this planet to produce necessities and luxuries. Fits perfectly with the globalists depopulation plans.
Adrian is absolutely right.

Canada bypassed the robot care for the elderly and went right to the end goal- killing off the problem humans with MAID (Medical Assistance in Dying).

It's not just an option for the desperate waiting in line for Canada's "good" "free" medical care, it's being pushed on people and in my father in law's case, needed care was withheld because he didn't opt in to "MAID". He died in GOD's time. Not so oddly enough- within a few days of accepting Christ as a 103 year old.

My father wanted to have a care home slot, but it was taking too long so he chose "MAID" and died on his own terms, having refused Christ multiple times.

Canada is the future that is planned for these 3 day work week people. And only as long as they are "useful". Once they aren't, that's the end of their 3 day work week and 4 days of leisure time. That is the end of them. And they will like and want that idea after enough social programming (and the removal of the pesky Christians) or at least that is the plan.

God has other plans. They will fill that leisure time with running from the Wrath of the Lamb! Hiding in caves. Praying for some escape from the Lamb!!!