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Could God Really Have Created Everything in Six Days?

Andy C


Why Is It Important?​

If the days of creation are really geologic ages of millions of years, then the gospel message is undermined at its foundation because it puts death, disease, thorns, and suffering before the Fall. The effort to define “days” as “geologic ages” results from an erroneous approach to Scripture—reinterpreting the Word of God on the basis of the fallible theories of sinful people.

It is a good exercise to read Genesis 1 and try to put aside outside influences that may cause you to have a predetermined idea of what the word “day” may mean. Just let the words of the passage speak to you.

Taking Genesis 1 in this way, at face value, without doubt it says that God created the universe, the earth, the sun, moon and stars, plants and animals, and the first two people within six ordinary (approximately 24-hour) days. Being really honest, you would have to admit that you could never get the idea of millions of years from reading this passage.

The majority of Christians (including many Christian leaders) in the Western world, however, do not insist that these days of creation were ordinary-length days, and many of them accept and teach, based on outside influences, that they must have been long periods of time—even millions or billions of years

I reckon He could have done it in one second or faster, but had His reasons for doing it in 6 days.

When I first got saved and the Bible started making sense, I tried to reconcile Creation with what I had been taught in science classes growing up. I remember saying to the Pastor once that God must have made dinosaurs because He knew we would need fossil fuels. :doh: Pastor just looked at me funny. Eventually it dawned on me that all I was taught about evolution and the ages of the earth was baloney. Once those outside influences were jettisoned, the Bible made even more sense.
Genesis 1:3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
Genesis 1:4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
Genesis 1:5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

The Bible defines what a day is right in Genesis 1:5 above. Why some Christians won't let the Bible speak for itself I don't understand. Some think they are using logic to explain what they don't understand. However what they come up with is actually illogical. Take evolution for example. Let me be clear though, there is such a thing as adaptation which some confuse with evolution.

Evolution is just a theory which speaks of one species changing into other species which does not happen.
Adaptation can be proven and is just the minor changing or improvement of the same species to better work with it's environment.

What is illogical about evolution? A lot of things, but I will just name two.
1) The Big bang theory! How in the world can disorder become order all by itself? That's like telling your parents that there is no need to clean your room, as it will clean itself with no help from me.
2) That Adam & Eve (or the first humans) were the result of evolution. Huh? Ok then who took care of Adam & Eve (or the first humans) when they were infants?

You see how fast their logic breaks down if you really put it to a test! A point I would like to make here is when they say how old the planet is by their tests. A Bible believer like me states logically that their tests are incorrect. How do I know? Because if they tested Adam & Eve when God created them they would say they were at least 18 years old when they were actually 1 day old. You my ask why don't their tests work? Its is because their tests are based on what happens currently, but they have no idea what it was like before. Meaning just like Adam & Eve being created as if they were 18 years old, so then could the world have been created as if it was 1 million years old, or whatever.

As a Christian you either believe the whole Bible or you don't. If you don't believe everything the Bible says, then how can you trust anything that it says? The Bible is our foundation and we all know if the foundation is bad, the rest will not stand for long!

Why Is It Important?​

If the days of creation are really geologic ages of millions of years, then the gospel message is undermined at its foundation because it puts death, disease, thorns, and suffering before the Fall. The effort to define “days” as “geologic ages” results from an erroneous approach to Scripture—reinterpreting the Word of God on the basis of the fallible theories of sinful people.

It is a good exercise to read Genesis 1 and try to put aside outside influences that may cause you to have a predetermined idea of what the word “day” may mean. Just let the words of the passage speak to you.

Taking Genesis 1 in this way, at face value, without doubt it says that God created the universe, the earth, the sun, moon and stars, plants and animals, and the first two people within six ordinary (approximately 24-hour) days. Being really honest, you would have to admit that you could never get the idea of millions of years from reading this passage.

The majority of Christians (including many Christian leaders) in the Western world, however, do not insist that these days of creation were ordinary-length days, and many of them accept and teach, based on outside influences, that they must have been long periods of time—even millions or billions of years

Great topic Andy! (y)
So glad you posted it!!!
Yes, it is important!
The creation was in 6 literal days. Moses was inspired by the Holy Spirit to write "days".
He knew what a day was like, so when Moses wrote 6 days, it is meant as the days they knew at the time, and as we do now.
And as for "the science" knowing "better": They have proven over and over that they are wrong about anything, so no use borrowing their flawed ideas.

I read somewhere that Believers are the least believing people in the world, because they only believe what's in the Bible. I'm proud to be called one of those!

And a little side step: I read in the article:
However, the question to ask is, “Why did God take so long? Why as long as six days?”

I would answer, you think that it took long? Indeed, it was "just" 6 days.
Jesus said in John 7: "In‭ my‭ Father’s‭ house‭ are‭‭ many‭ mansions‭: if ‭it were‭ not‭ ‭so‭, I would have told‭‭‭ you‭. I go‭‭ to prepare‭‭ a place‭ for you‭.‭ ‭And‭ if‭ I go‭‭ and‭ prepare‭‭ a place‭ for you‭, I will come‭‭ again‭, and‭ receive‭‭ you‭ unto‭ myself‭; that‭ where‭ I‭ am‭‭, ‭there‭ ye‭ may be‭‭ also‭.‭"

Think of it, the earth was created in 6 days, and God called it Very Good (meaning perfect), just imagine how astonishing our mansions in the Father's house in heaven will look like, after 2000 years of preparing!
As a Christian you either believe the whole Bible or you don't. If you don't believe everything the Bible says, then how can you trust anything that it says? The Bible is our foundation and we all know if the foundation is bad, the rest will not stand for long!
I remember early on in my walk hearing a sermon either online or on the radio, I can't remember, about this very thing.
I too had been influenced by different theories including the creation and flood accounts and I remember the Pastor saying if you doubt these, exactly where do you choose to start believing?
That was a very convicting moment for me and a lesson learned.
Yes, it is important!
The creation was in 6 literal days. Moses was inspired by the Holy Spirit to write "days".
He knew what a day was like, so when Moses wrote 6 days, it is meant as the days they knew at the time, and as we do now.
And as for "the science" knowing "better": They have proven over and over that they are wrong about anything, so no use borrowing their flawed ideas.

I read somewhere that Believers are the least believing people in the world, because they only believe what's in the Bible. I'm proud to be called one of those!

And a little side step: I read in the article:
However, the question to ask is, “Why did God take so long? Why as long as six days?”

I would answer, you think that it took long? Indeed, it was "just" 6 days.
Jesus said in John 7: "In‭ my‭ Father’s‭ house‭ are‭‭ many‭ mansions‭: if ‭it were‭ not‭ ‭so‭, I would have told‭‭‭ you‭. I go‭‭ to prepare‭‭ a place‭ for you‭.‭ ‭And‭ if‭ I go‭‭ and‭ prepare‭‭ a place‭ for you‭, I will come‭‭ again‭, and‭ receive‭‭ you‭ unto‭ myself‭; that‭ where‭ I‭ am‭‭, ‭there‭ ye‭ may be‭‭ also‭.‭"

Think of it, the earth was created in 6 days, and God called it Very Good (meaning perfect), just imagine how astonishing our mansions in the Father's house in heaven will look like, after 2000 years of preparing!
I heard a bit of a bummer sermon from Andy Woods a few months ago where he kind of disputes that we will have mansions in heaven , his main argument was that our accommodation in heaven is only a temporary abode during the tribulation and that i time or residence would mainly be alternating between the earth and Jerusalem.

I was a bit 50/50 on that but hey , not a salvation issue i guess
I heard a bit of a bummer sermon from Andy Woods a few months ago where he kind of disputes that we will have mansions in heaven , his main argument was that our accommodation in heaven is only a temporary abode during the tribulation and that i time or residence would mainly be alternating between the earth and Jerusalem.

I was a bit 50/50 on that but hey , not a salvation issue i guess

I am only interested in what scripture states. Does Andy Woods have scripture to back it up?

Before I started reading the Bible for myself, I use to think that having mansions in Heaven was just something that people made up because it made Heaven sound good. However, that is what the Bible states.

John 14:1 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.
John 14:2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
I kind of remember that one... as I recall (and I could well be wrong) Andy went back to the Greek words used, and it wasn't necessarily mansion. If Christ is ruling on Earth and we're to always be with him, what does that look like? Will we go back and forth to Heaven or be too busy with whatever our jobs turn out to be? I guess we'll find out soon enough...

But yes, I'd say Andy Woods has scripture to back up just about everything he preaches on. But most things aren't something to start a new church over, so to speak.
I am only interested in what scripture states. Does Andy Woods have scripture to back it up?

Before I started reading the Bible for myself, I use to think that having mansions in Heaven was just something that people made up because it made Heaven sound good. However, that is what the Bible states.

John 14:1 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.
John 14:2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
Yeah Greg beat me to the punch, i was going to say he used a Greek translation when he was trying to say that it may not necessarily mean a mansion
I kind of remember that one... as I recall (and I could well be wrong) Andy went back to the Greek words used, and it wasn't necessarily mansion. If Christ is ruling on Earth and we're to always be with him, what does that look like? Will we go back and forth to Heaven or be too busy with whatever our jobs turn out to be? I guess we'll find out soon enough...

But yes, I'd say Andy Woods has scripture to back up just about everything he preaches on. But most things aren't something to start a new church over, so to speak.

John14:2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

Here is the definition of the Greek word "mone" translated mansions in English below.

Strong's #3438: mone (pronounced mon-ay')
a staying, i.e. residence (the act or the place):--abode, mansion.

Even if we use a different definition other than mansions, the other definitions speak of a place.

I would caution everyone to be careful for those who dispute what the Bible says because they have looked into the Hebrew or Greek. Where do you think the translators of the English Bible got their translations form? I think you know, the Hebrew and the Greek. So now some recent Pastor or Bible scholar thinks they know better?

God showed me this when a Sunday school teacher reading some Christian authors book said that the rider of red horse in Revelation 6:4 does not have a sword, but the word is dagger in the Greek.
Revelation 6:4 And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.

So I looked it up and here is the definition of the Greek word machaira.
Strong's G3163; a knife, that is, dirk; figuratively war, judicial punishment: - sword.

Yes someone could say it was a knife (or dagger), but would that make sense? First of all a rider on a horse with a dagger? Why would that be scary? Second, it states a great sword. A great dagger, does not make sense either. So it is pretty clear that the rider of the Red horse had a sword and a great sword at that. Why did the author and my Sunday school teacher want to believe it was a dagger? I can't say for sure but I believe it is about pride. You know, even little children have it. I am sure you have heard little children tease some other children saying, "I know something you don't know."

If nothing else, we should find out just how well a person knows Hebrew or Greek before we believe something different than what our Bible says.

Goodboy :)
A very good point, Goodboy! Yet the other side of the coin is also true -- we shouldn't reject something out of hand without investigating it from the source first, especially from someone with a very sound track record... there's pride in that, too. I find myself doing that all too often. In all things, scripture is the standard and if it doesn't match, there's a problem.

Getting a bit off topic, but Isaiah 26:20-21 come to my mind when thinking about the tribulation and subsequent millennium. Something else to ponder trying to take the fullness of scripture into account.
Good discussion about “mansions”. I really never gave this one verse much thought, always assuming it meant there is a fantastic place prepared for us.

I think Jack Kelley sums it up nicely.

“The Greek word translated “mansions” in the KJV of John 14:2 doesn’t appear any place else in the Bible. It comes from a root meaning to remain or abide. What the verse means is that there are many dwelling places in God’s Kingdom, so there’s room for all of us. It was originally translated as “mansions” to imply that each of us will have a richly appointed and spacious dwelling in “Heaven” such as a very wealthy person would have on Earth”.

Well, God said the evening and the morning was one day (Genesis 1:5 and ff) Not a lot of room for interpretation there, my friend. May I suggest that to state that "the evening and the morning was a day" actually could mean something else is itself an interpretation. I prefer to stick with God's actual words.
John14:2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

Here is the definition of the Greek word "mone" translated mansions in English below.

Strong's #3438: mone (pronounced mon-ay')
a staying, i.e. residence (the act or the place):--abode, mansion.

Even if we use a different definition other than mansions, the other definitions speak of a place.

I would caution everyone to be careful for those who dispute what the Bible says because they have looked into the Hebrew or Greek. Where do you think the translators of the English Bible got their translations form? I think you know, the Hebrew and the Greek. So now some recent Pastor or Bible scholar thinks they know better?

God showed me this when a Sunday school teacher reading some Christian authors book said that the rider of red horse in Revelation 6:4 does not have a sword, but the word is dagger in the Greek.
Revelation 6:4 And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.

So I looked it up and here is the definition of the Greek word machaira.
Strong's G3163; a knife, that is, dirk; figuratively war, judicial punishment: - sword.

Yes someone could say it was a knife (or dagger), but would that make sense? First of all a rider on a horse with a dagger? Why would that be scary? Second, it states a great sword. A great dagger, does not make sense either. So it is pretty clear that the rider of the Red horse had a sword and a great sword at that. Why did the author and my Sunday school teacher want to believe it was a dagger? I can't say for sure but I believe it is about pride. You know, even little children have it. I am sure you have heard little children tease some other children saying, "I know something you don't know."

If nothing else, we should find out just how well a person knows Hebrew or Greek before we believe something different than what our Bible says.

Goodboy :)
Yes. I remember.