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Constitutional Rights For Texas

Our Federal govmint is one big massive failure.

Some parts of it are still very good . . .
Some of the VA hospitals :)
NORAD tracking Santa Claus every year 🎅 :hyper:
National Weather Service (NWS), especially tornado warnings and tracking 🌪️🌪️🌪️
National Hurricane Tracking Center 🌀
Some parts of NASA (Hubble) 🔭
Some of the National Parks

OTHOH, some parts are mostly abysmal
Some of the CDC 😷
Some of the FDA 💉
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xeHEhaBLnao According to Article 1, Section 10, clause 3 of the Constitution, Texas has a right to defend itself in a crisis including when they are "actually invaded." Additionally, the Constitution's Guarantee clause requires that the federal government must "protect each[State] against invasion, "but it has failed to do so.
I watched Sean Hannity tonight as usual, and Greg Abbott was on there they were talking about the border, and just happened to mention the above post I did about the Constitution. The link of Sean Hannity is in my above post.