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Commentators on BibleHub


Hanging on to the Throne
I normally avoid commentaries because I prefer to just use the Strong’s and let the Holy Spirit teach me. But lately I have been wanting to read some commentary on Romans. In looking through the list on BibleHub, I already know to avoid Calvin of course, and I can see that Gill is hypercalvinist. Are there certain commentators (on BibleHub) that I should avoid, or prefer? I like what I have read so far from Alexander MacLaren. He comes up as Calvinist in some google results, but Calvinists themselves say that is not true of him.
Dave Guzik is great, one of the very best of our modern day expositors. Among the golden 19th century generation of Bible scholars, C.A. Mackintosh can't be beaten on the first five books of the Bible; his expositions of the books of Moses stand head and shoulders above anything ever written. One more of his generation deserves mention: Alexander MacLaren. He is definitely another good 'un (as our beloved big brother Billy would put it.) The 33 volumes of his Expositions of Holy Scripture are marvelous in their depth and biblical insight. They cannot be beaten ... except by C.A. Mackintosh insofar as the Pentateuch (ie: Genesis through Deuteronomy) goes.
While not on BibleHub, and very old, Luther's preface to and commentary/lectures on Romans are good. Public domain, so available multiple places online free.
Comments in the Defender's Study Bible good throughout the Bible, although some errors (dealing with science/scientific fact) have been corrected and lots of additional commentary in the Henry Morris Study Bible.

If you have Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture (ACCS), you can see what various early Church Fathers said about various verses.

Bullinger, Matthew Henry, Schofield, etc. I got a lot of free stuff (and also a couple paid things) for eSword, which was also free. I like that I can switch between commentators/commentaries for a specific verse, passage, or chapter.

@mattfivefour posted the following in another thread
Among others such as Vines, Wuest, etc, I use pastor Dave Guzik's Enduring Word commentary. It's free. I also use Preceptaustin, which is also free, but quite complicated to use. But a great source for Bible commentaries and the one I recommend most to others is found at Bible Hub (biblehub.com), which has ALL of the major classical commentaries (along with a complete package of other Bible study tools). And it is also completely free. I HIGHLY recommend checking it out. It's amazing!
I like blb.org and they have some great commentators on there as well. Chuck Missler and Chuck Smith (Calvary) are some of my favorites. Also they have a great interlinear tool.
blb app is the first thing on the home screen of my cell :) The only other app next to it is a translation app. The only other things on that screen are below: phone, text, Tor (internet), camera, and system (so I can get to everything else).
I also use blb to read Scripture along in Church. KJV and ESV next to each other :)