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Clarence Larkin


Hanging on to the Throne
My pastor just loaned me the book “The Greatest Book on Dispensational Truth in the World” by Clarence Larkin. I’m super geeked out to read everything he wrote and pore over all of his charts.
The font is so small on some of them. Even though this is the 11x11 inch version.
Clarence Larkin is good, except he ascribed to the gap theory of Creation. Just something to remember when perusing his otherwise-great charts, drawings, and commentary :)

The book is available from CBD, Amazon, and the Clarence Larkin Estate, if you decide you want your own copy.
I’m only on the third chart, (page 12.) but a couple of things I find amusing:
This book was published in 1920, and the charts were done in 1918-1919. It’s amazing how Brother Larkin could not forsee or envision the rebirth of the nation of Israel. In fact, in chart #3, he places “the 12 Tribes Return” during the Tribulation! Little did he know that the Jews would be returning beginning in 1948. It’s amazing to look at his chart from the perspective that I have now.
Another thing is what he wrote on page 15: “At no time in the history of the Christian Church have the conditions necessary to the Lord’s return have been so completely fulfilled as to the present time…” 😆