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Christians Wake Up:Hating Satan Now a Crime In Iowa

A Christian was arrested for a thought crime in Iowa last week.

Iowa the home of the caucuses that essentially gave Donald Trump this cycle's Republican presidential nomination.Iowa the state that boasts conservative Kim Reynolds as governor?

YES-that Iowa

Even in red states there are pockets under left-adherent control

Iowa is no exception

This world has lost their mind and losing their souls if they don't get saved. Satan is trying to take as many people away from the truth of Gods word so they won't get saved. They are calling evil good, and good evil. If we don't comply to their way of thinking, they are out to get us. It is a spiritual battle between light and darkness. Iowa is where the man tore the Satanic Temple display down in Des Moines in the capitol building.
Even in many very conservative areas libertards have the majority or near majority on some of those city and county councils... because enough folks just don't get out and vote in those elections. In Fairbanks, the typical voter participation in the local elections was about 16% of registered voters... and that's why we started getting all sorts of crazy laws passed and increased local taxation (libertards gained a majority on the City Council and very nearly on the Borough Council). Too many don't seem to be able to connect the dots... don't vote and libertards will be ruining your life before you know it.