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Christ Leads Me Through No Darker Rooms


1 Christ leads me thro' no darker rooms
Than He went thro' before;
And he that in God's kingdom comes,
Must enter by this door.

2 Come, Lord, when grace hath made me meet
Thy blessed face to see;
For if thy works on earth be sweet,
What must thy glory be?

3 Then shall I end my sad complaints,
And weary, sinful days;
And join with the triumphant saints,
To sing Jehovah's praise.

4 My knowledge of that life is small,
The eye of faith is dim;
But 'tis enough that Christ knows all,
And I shall be with Him
~Richard Baxter 1615-1691
Thank you for posting this! Here's a bit of this wonderful hymn along with a very short bio of its author, Richard Baxter, one of the most important Protestant leaders of his day.

Here is another wonderful hymn of Richard Baxter. Maybe the fact he was a preacher not a hymn writer is the reason his hymns have the power of sermons. (Note that the third stanza of this hymn became the start of the hymn you quote above.)

Lord, it belongs not to my care
Whether I die or live;
To love and serve Thee is my share,
And this Thy grace must give.

If life be long, I will be glad,
That I may long obey;
If short, yet why should I be sad
To welcome endless day?

Christ leads me through no darker rooms
Than He went through before;
He that unto God’s kingdom comes
Must enter by this door.

Come, Lord, when grace hath made me meet
Thy blessèd face to see;
For if Thy work on earth be sweet
What will Thy glory be!

Then I shall end my sad complaints
And weary sinful days,
And join with the triumphant saints
That sing my Savior’s praise.

My knowledge of that life is small,
The eye of faith is dim;
But ’tis enough that Christ knows all,
And I shall be with Him.