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China Weaponizing 90%-Fatal Ebola

Almost Heaven

  • China's regime is trying to weaponize Ebola. The disease can have a 90% mortality rate.
  • [China's secret biological weapons lab in California] also contained thousands of samples of labeled, unlabeled, and encoded potential pathogens and a freezer labeled "Ebola." The freezer held unlabeled sealed bags used to store high-risk biological materials.
  • China can make the disease highly contagious. The Wuhan Institute of Virology is, after all, the gain-of-function capital of the world.
  • In March of last year, a document posted by a Chinese pharmaceutical company revealed that Dr. Qiu was working on Ebola.
  • Ebola and Nipah, with some in-lab modifications, can therefore be China's tools to exterminate the American people.
  • General Chi Haotian, China's defense minister and vice chairman of the Party's Central Military Commission, reportedly gave a secret speech advocating the extermination of Americans. He talked about using disease to clear out the vast spaces of North America so that the Chinese people could settle in the areas left uninhabited: "It is indeed brutal to kill one or two hundred million Americans," he said. "But that is the only path that will secure a Chinese century, a century in which the Communist Party leads the world."
  • China's National Defense University, in the 2017 edition of the authoritative Science of Military Strategy, mentioned a new kind of biological warfare of "specific ethnic genetic attacks."

I agree with Adrian.

I’m trusting God. I continue to see evidence that the Restrainer is continuing to restrain evil.

If they try anything it will backfire- I remember how the Wuhan lab accidentally killed a lot of Chinese before it got out into the rest of the world. Sad for the helpless Chinese people.

But it only got going in the rest of the world right after the Trump Peace Plan was signed.

By then it was already changing to a less lethal form. God allowed it in a limited way to allow people to see how late the hour was prophetically. And to allow a certain amount of stage setting by evil to prepare for the Tribulation.

AND to keep his promise that those who bless Israel would be blessed and those who curse Israel would be cursed.

In this case the lab is in California but this does allow for the American authorities to confiscate and destroy the supply of Ebola on home soil. If they are willing to act.

Even if they aren’t, I can’t see a 90% lethal germ out in the population before the Rapture just because of the numbers.

For the first 4 Seals to kill the amount they will, it wouldn’t allow enough survivors to do the things we see in the rest of the Tribulation. Mathematically it doesn’t work.

Finally Ebola doesn’t spread easily because it is rapid onset and highly lethal which means it tends to stay in localized outbreaks.

That is why it stays inside Africa and doesn’t travel much beyond the borders of any outbreak there. Even with modern air travel, it’s very hard for Ebola to spread.

It’s a scare tactic used as a worst case scenario.

In this case I think it’s being used to scare China’s opponents which lines up with their recent actions around Taiwan.

Finally they wouldn’t risk releasing it at a point when they will need all their fighting age population ready for action in an upcoming war.

So my bottom line- it’s probably propaganda
I agree with Adrian.

I’m trusting God. I continue to see evidence that the Restrainer is continuing to restrain evil.

If they try anything it will backfire- I remember how the Wuhan lab accidentally killed a lot of Chinese before it got out into the rest of the world. Sad for the helpless Chinese people.

But it only got going in the rest of the world right after the Trump Peace Plan was signed.

By then it was already changing to a less lethal form. God allowed it in a limited way to allow people to see how late the hour was prophetically. And to allow a certain amount of stage setting by evil to prepare for the Tribulation.

AND to keep his promise that those who bless Israel would be blessed and those who curse Israel would be cursed.

In this case the lab is in California but this does allow for the American authorities to confiscate and destroy the supply of Ebola on home soil. If they are willing to act.

Even if they aren’t, I can’t see a 90% lethal germ out in the population before the Rapture just because of the numbers.

For the first 4 Seals to kill the amount they will, it wouldn’t allow enough survivors to do the things we see in the rest of the Tribulation. Mathematically it doesn’t work.

Finally Ebola doesn’t spread easily because it is rapid onset and highly lethal which means it tends to stay in localized outbreaks.

That is why it stays inside Africa and doesn’t travel much beyond the borders of any outbreak there. Even with modern air travel, it’s very hard for Ebola to spread.

It’s a scare tactic used as a worst case scenario.

In this case I think it’s being used to scare China’s opponents which lines up with their recent actions around Taiwan.

Finally they wouldn’t risk releasing it at a point when they will need all their fighting age population ready for action in an upcoming war.

So my bottom line- it’s probably propaganda
I didn’t know that about Ebola. That’s interesting. I’ve always wondered why it hasn’t spread outside of Africa.
When it's my time it'll be my time. Is this propaganda from US sources or is it real? Who actually established the lab(s) and funds it? Covid came out of Wuhan but at least some evidence indicates the USA was the country supplying the funds for the experiments in that lab.
Gatestone is a good source. John Bolton is one of the founders. Their reports are accurate and reliable. I think they reported what’s happened with the one known American lab linked to China (and there are likely others) along with the context -by quoting the Chinese defence minister. When an enemy tells you what’s in their plans it’s good to listen. But sometimes what he says is designed to spread fear and panic.

Maybe they are planning a new and improved Ebola combined with some susceptibility targeting non Asian genes based on the last point quoted. That’s another aspect that has been reported over the past few years—the Chinese push to gain genetic information from 23 & Me and other DNA databases.

The globalists want massive depopulation but Covid failed miserably. Even with the spike in deaths from Covid and the vaccine aftermath world population is still growing. I’m sure they’re trying hard, maybe helping China develop the next pandemic-but just like how God stops Iran from setting off nukes (& Putin too) this weapon won’t do much until it’s time.
There's a non-mRNA vaccine that was shown to be effective in real-world experimental use during actual outbreaks, and is now licensed and approved by FDA and European equivalent agency.

Really cool article about it

‘Against all odds’: The inside story of how scientists across three continents produced an Ebola vaccine​

By Helen Branswell
Jan. 7, 2020

"In the spring of 2014, as Ebola exploded across West Africa, a scientist named Gary Kobinger was following the news intently from Canada.
Kobinger was the head of the special pathogens unit at the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg. He and the team he led had a well-deserved reputation for their work on Ebola and other viral hemorrhagic fevers; Kobinger himself had led development of a promising Ebola therapy.
The Winnipeg lab also had been working for years on an Ebola vaccine, one that looked tremendously effective in animal models. The lab had even produced human-grade vaccine in the hopes of testing it in people. But as of April 2014, that still hadn’t happened. The vaccine had never been deployed in an outbreak. No major pharmaceutical company had expressed interest in developing it.
With Ebola appearing to spread rapidly in a country that had no experience trying to control it — Guinea — Kobinger contacted the World Health Organization to offer the vaccine.
The WHO declined the offer.
“They thought it was premature to advance it,” recalled Kobinger, who said he was told that Guinea lacked the infrastructure to approve use of an experimental vaccine. “That was true,” he added.
The reality was that, for years, scientists who studied Ebola, which belongs to a family of viruses called filoviruses, had poured their hearts into work to develop vaccines and drugs to combat these deadly scourges. And for years, they had seen promising work smash up against unscalable walls. There was no potential for drug makers to recoup development costs; and, with outbreaks only sporadic, there was little opportunity to subject experimental vaccines to rigorous tests.
But faced with the prospect of Ebola victims lying abandoned in the streets of African cities — and the world’s self-interested realization that the virus rampaging through West Africa wasn’t likely to stay there — the balance would eventually tip."



:thankyou: JESUS!!! :thankyou:
There's a non-mRNA vaccine that was shown to be effective in real-world experimental use during actual outbreaks, and is now licensed and approved by FDA and European equivalent agency.

Really cool article about it

‘Against all odds’: The inside story of how scientists across three continents produced an Ebola vaccine​

By Helen Branswell
Jan. 7, 2020

"In the spring of 2014, as Ebola exploded across West Africa, a scientist named Gary Kobinger was following the news intently from Canada.
Kobinger was the head of the special pathogens unit at the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg. He and the team he led had a well-deserved reputation for their work on Ebola and other viral hemorrhagic fevers; Kobinger himself had led development of a promising Ebola therapy.
The Winnipeg lab also had been working for years on an Ebola vaccine, one that looked tremendously effective in animal models. The lab had even produced human-grade vaccine in the hopes of testing it in people. But as of April 2014, that still hadn’t happened. The vaccine had never been deployed in an outbreak. No major pharmaceutical company had expressed interest in developing it.
With Ebola appearing to spread rapidly in a country that had no experience trying to control it — Guinea — Kobinger contacted the World Health Organization to offer the vaccine.
The WHO declined the offer.
“They thought it was premature to advance it,” recalled Kobinger, who said he was told that Guinea lacked the infrastructure to approve use of an experimental vaccine. “That was true,” he added.
The reality was that, for years, scientists who studied Ebola, which belongs to a family of viruses called filoviruses, had poured their hearts into work to develop vaccines and drugs to combat these deadly scourges. And for years, they had seen promising work smash up against unscalable walls. There was no potential for drug makers to recoup development costs; and, with outbreaks only sporadic, there was little opportunity to subject experimental vaccines to rigorous tests.
But faced with the prospect of Ebola victims lying abandoned in the streets of African cities — and the world’s self-interested realization that the virus rampaging through West Africa wasn’t likely to stay there — the balance would eventually tip."



:thankyou: JESUS!!! :thankyou:
Oh my! That Winnipeg lab was one of the ones compromised by CHINA who had some scientists spies in place who made off with a number of vials of deadly microorganisms. I’d forgotten about that. Around 2019.

I wonder if they stole the research on the Ebola vaccine too? Hmmmm. It would line up with their goals.

Made a big noise in the Canadian news till Trudeau reined in the media using tax dollars to pay them to back off and report nice things about Trudeau
Oh my! That Winnipeg lab was one of the ones compromised by CHINA who had some scientists spies in place who made off with a number of vials of deadly microorganisms. I’d forgotten about that. Around 2019.

I wonder if they stole the research on the Ebola vaccine too? Hmmmm. It would line up with their goals.

Made a big noise in the Canadian news till Trudeau reined in the media using tax dollars to pay them to back off and report nice things about Trudeau

Even if they did, there are proof samples elsewhere, plus stockpiles of the vaccine.

A lot of stuff stuff happened in a lot of labs during the pandemic, especially in the early stages. People were scared to death and countries, especially large, modern ones, hedged their bets in various ways, and recalled at least some of their leading researchers from foreign labs.

FWIW, I'd rather USSR stole it than Syria, Iran, isis, boka haram etc. The USSR isn't a rogue state/terror organization with a demonic religious ideology driving the bus and nothing to lose. China, has so much weaponized bio that one more organism probably wouldn't matter. They have never valued human life, and exported that value to other Asian countries. Wave attacks during WWII (Pacific Theater), Korea, and Viet Nam . . .
Even if they did, there are proof samples elsewhere, plus stockpiles of the vaccine.

A lot of stuff stuff happened in a lot of labs during the pandemic, especially in the early stages. People were scared to death and countries, especially large, modern ones, hedged their bets in various ways, and recalled at least some of their leading researchers from foreign labs.

FWIW, I'd rather USSR stole it than Syria, Iran, isis, boka haram etc. The USSR isn't a rogue state/terror organization with a demonic religious ideology driving the bus and nothing to lose. China, has so much weaponized bio that one more organism probably wouldn't matter. They have never valued human life, and exported that value to other Asian countries. Wave attacks during WWII (Pacific Theater), Korea, and Viet Nam . . .
I don't think they'd take the actual vaccines or mechanisms, involved in research, but copies of plans, documents, research results. That is how Chinese spies operating in scientific labs and universities make off with stuff. Usually not caught, then suddenly Chinese labs have "caught up" to the West. So they really enjoy getting a leg up, a head start by not having to go thru the pesky expensive work of the actual research. Just steal copies of the work (like they do with computers, aerospace, weapons (and their recent Chinese satellite launch last November).