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China: Preparing For War


Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader Xi Jinping is rapidly militarizing his country and has instructed its army to "prepare for war" and "fight and win" it. Just a few weeks ago, China expert Gordon Chang warned:

"Chinese ruler Xi Jinping replaced the senior leadership of China's Rocket Force, which is responsible for almost all of China's 400 or so nuclear warheads. These personnel changes are part of what is almost certainly the most ominous development of this time. It looks like Xi is contemplating using or at least threatening to use his most destructive weapons. In other words, China is planning to go to war.

"Xi sacked Rocket Force commander, Li Yuchao, and its political commissar, Xu Zhongbo. Neither has been seen in public since. Li's deputy, Liu Guangbin, has also disappeared, along with Zhang Zhenzhong, a former deputy. At about the same time, Wu Guohua, deputy commander of the Rocket Force, reportedly took his own life in early July."

Xi is doubtless weighing the risk-reward ratio of launching an aggressive operation against Taiwan during US President Joe Biden's term of office. Xi is doubtless aware that his "window of opportunity" may be closing in 18 months, accompanied by a felicitously distracting US presidential election.

The timing of any Chinese assault on Taiwan will most certainly be determined by Xi's assessment of the domestic political strength of the Biden administration as well as the possible need for a strong diversion from his own imploding economy. Xi is also doubtless assessing the US president's resolve to back up his repeated declarations that US forces would come to the defense of Taiwan in the event of a Chinese invasion, as opposed to the US State Department's immediate walk-back of the promise.

Within the past year or so, the US leadership seems to have assumed that the increasingly provocative posture of China's army toward Taiwan was a mainly a consequence of visits to Taiwan by prominent US politicians, as well as the trip to Washington D.C. by Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen. The Chinese Communist Party claims that the US is treating Taiwan as an independent state and these VIP visits violate its "One China Policy."

The truth, most likely, is that the CCP's repeated transgressions against Taiwan's air and maritime sovereignty, after then Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's August 2022 visit to Taiwan, are actually just part of the CCP's military invasion exercises on its way to an all-out assault. The CCP's "rehearsals" have so far demonstrated its increased capability in amphibious landing exercises, air attacks, bombing runs, and naval maneuvers in support of its ground forces.


They always seem to be on the brink, but nowadays it does appear the attack is going to happen soon, very soon.
Well it does seem logical that any adversary would want to take advantage of doing their dirty work while there's a weak leader in office.
If there's any truth to what has been said about US military being depleted because of the massive insane "gifts" given to Ukraine, those adversarie's would not be intimidated by our military, but would have their eyes on the NATO alliance should they step up in behalf of the US
There's enough unknown insofar as who is actually calling the shots for the USA right now... no telling how the USA might react. Might not do anything or might do a lot. If the globalists want to put China in its place the reaction could be huge. I don't think the globalists pulling the power strings care what happens to the USA.