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China Poised To Cut Off US Military From Key Mineral As America’s Own Reserves Lay Buried Under Red Tape

China is planning to restrict exports of a key mineral needed to make weapons while a U.S. company that could be reducing America’s reliance on foreign suppliers is languishing in red tape, energy experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The Chinese government announced on August 15 that it will restrict exports of antimony, a critical mineral that dominates the production of weapons globally and is essential for producing equipment like munitions, night vision goggles and bullets that are essential to national security, according to the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). Perpetua Resources, an American mining company, has been navigating red tape for years to develop a mine in Valley County, Idaho, that could decrease reliance on the Chinese supply of antimony, but the slow permitting process is getting in the way, energy experts told the DCNF.

It can take years to secure all the necessary approvals and permits to develop a mine like the one Perpetua Resources is trying to operate. One of the key permitting laws in place is the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), which also applies to federal land management actions and the construction of certain public infrastructure projects like highways.


Our own stupidity will kill us.
There is nothing stupid about what the Democrats have done and are doing. It's not stupidity, it's evil. The purpose is to destroy America because this nation is the main obstacle to the globalists and their desires. It has also been the worldwide center of scriptural Christianity over the past couple of hundred years, and Satan absolutely hates us.

Sadly, without repentance, our candlestick will be removed as surely as was Britain's. We can already see the growing evidence of that loss of Christian witness in this nation. And around the world we can see new candlesticks shining, where the persecuted church is more alive and more faithful than the majority of American churches today. That is why Andrea and I pray constantly for America. It is why we have a large Pray For America banner on it balcony where all can see, and why we have a large Pray For America magnet on the back of our vehicle. Without prayer, this nation is doomed. But we are not without hope for the lost in this nation. Not at all. And to be honest, after the Rapture, I believe that the Holy Spirit will superintend a massive move of God among those left behind. Not just here, but around the world ... a final gleaning of the gospel fields.
Not at all. And to be honest, after the Rapture, I believe that the Holy Spirit will superintend a massive move of God among those left behind. Not just here, but around the world ... a final gleaning of the gospel fields.
I agree. The more I look at the nation today, the more I see those who will not believe until the proverbial rug is pulled out from under them. It is unfortunate to have to go through the tribulation but if that is what it takes, God will do it to save them.
There is nothing stupid about what the Democrats have done and are doing. It's not stupidity, it's evil. The purpose is to destroy America because this nation is the main obstacle to the globalists and their desires. It has also been the worldwide center of scriptural Christianity over the past couple of hundred years, and Satan absolutely hates us.

Sadly, without repentance, our candlestick will be removed as surely as was Britain's. We can already see the growing evidence of that loss of Christian witness in this nation. And around the world we can see new candlesticks shining, where the persecuted church is more alive and more faithful than the majority of American churches today. That is why Andrea and I pray constantly for America. It is why we have a large Pray For America banner on it balcony where all can see, and why we have a large Pray For America magnet on the back of our vehicle. Without prayer, this nation is doomed. But we are not without hope for the lost in this nation. Not at all. And to be honest, after the Rapture, I believe that the Holy Spirit will superintend a massive move of God among those left behind. Not just here, but around the world ... a final gleaning of the gospel fields.
Agree 100% and I don’t know why I keep forgetting that every single thing they do is on purpose, for America’s destruction, and not just out of stupidity. I think maybe it’s because it’s so diabolical that my mind won’t accept it sometimes.