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China ‘Waging a Full-on Assault on Christians’ with High-Tech Surveillance State

Tall Timbers

Imperfect but forgiven
Staff member
The Chinese Communist Party is “intent on rooting out every pocket of independent religious thought” and persecutes Christians by shutting down house churches, stripping children from Christian families, and monitoring every detail of Christian citizens’ lives, International Christian Concern (ICC) announced on Thursday.

ICC, a global Christian advocacy organization helping the persecuted church, published its annual Global Persecution Index on Thursday, highlighting the most dangerous places in the world to be a Christian. China plays an expansive role in the study, both for being one of the most repressive countries in the world and for helping allied governments repress Christianity across the planet, from North Korea to Nicaragua.

China is the largest communist country in the study identified as a repressor. ICC noted that Marxism is one of several ideologies fueling the violent repression of Christianity, alongside Hindu nationalism and political Islam, among others. The organization noted that advances in surveillance technology and construction of repressive infrastructure have caused the deterioration in religious freedom around the world.

“The details of persecution you will read in our report are not isolated incidents. They represent the lived-out reality of millions of Christians worldwide who face daily threats to their lives and religious freedom,” ICC President Jeff King asserted in a message opening the Global Persecution Index for 2025. “This year, we cite persecution trends, including the growing use of technology to monitor and oppress faith communities, transnational persecution where regimes cross borders to target Christians, and the continued rise of religious nationalism, including radical Islam.”

Marxism is one of several ideologies fueling the violent repression of Christianity
Before communism/fascism infiltrated counties to stomp out God and his people there was Islam.

It’s so interesting to look at history through Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of the statue that Daniel interpreted.

Rulers during the gold phase had a more civilized approach when they took over countries. Nebuchadnezzar had initially allowed Solomon’s temple to stand. He took the best and brightest to Babylon and allowed a remnant to continue in Judah as practicing Jews. The king of Judah (can’t recall his name) rebelled so Nebuchadnezzar hammered Jerusalem.

The silver phase that brought the second temple and sense of Persian respect for law must have been inferior to Babylon’s rule, but I’m not sure how. I love the Zerubbabel and Cyrus events in the Bible.

Alexander conquered the world, insisting on all must learn the Greek language. It seems that brass phase wasn’t as focused on conforming nations into the new rulers beliefs and customs at first. As it became more corrupted we find the Jews getting Hellenized by the Greeks.

Rome took over at the iron stage and everything in foreign lands was suspect when a Caesar felt like it.

Unfortunately the Roman Catholic church took over and was in bed with Rome. Their use of power wasn’t only an iron boot on the neck of rebellion, but worse than hellenization, IMO, they imposed an unbiblical spiritual/religious false authority.

Then this happened: The siege of Jerusalem (636–637) was part of the Muslim conquest of the Levant and the result of the military efforts of the Rashidun Caliphate against the Byzantine Empire in the year 636–637/38. It began when the Rashidun army, under the command of Abu Ubayda, besieged Jerusalem beginning in November 636. After six months, Patriarch Sophronius agreed to surrender, on condition that he submit only to the caliph. In 637 or 638, Caliph Umar (r. 634–644) traveled to Jerusalem in person to receive the submission of the city. The patriarch thus surrendered to him. (from Wikipedia)

Again, my opinion, Islam was invented to supersede the RCC. Arabs united under an ideology that mimicked the RCC, and scholars are debating if there ever was a prophet Mohammad? They are finding that the Quran is a mish mash of pre RCC writings; anti-trinitarian, plus debunked gospel stories (Gospel of Thomas), early 2nd century Talmudic stuff, and other stuff that I can’t recall off the top of my head.

Anyhow, Islam as it used violence to force submission in both a physical and spiritual sense, hated the Bible and followers of Jesus as badly as the RCC. The secular version of fervent hatred for God is communism/fascism.