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Cheap Fakes


The Republicans are being accused of making videos look like Biden is making mistakes. Biden is making plenty of mistakes when he speaks, and also falling up the stairs to his plane not able to walk straight. They are trying to cover up what is really happening that he is not cognitively with it. The truth is they are twisting it to make it look like the Republicans are the guilty ones. They are accusing them of what they are guilty of. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/06/11/biden-videos-republicans-cheap-fake-d-day/
Anyone with eyes and ears can see and hear the man is not fit to be our president. He is not a true leader, and doesn't care about our country. There are people being killed because of the illegal aliens he has let come in. These people would be alive if it wasn't for Biden. When you hear him speak his words come out like gibberish. He gets mixed up a lot when he speaks not to mention his lies. His uncle so he says was eaten by a cannibal.