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Chaplains Spurned by SCOTUS, DOD Will Continue to Push for Religious Liberty

Ghoti Ichthus

Genesis 18:32, 2 Chronicles 7:14, Acts 5:29

Chaplains Spurned by SCOTUS, DOD Will Continue to Push for Religious Liberty​

The U.S. Supreme Court and Department of Defense continue to ignore the religious freedom of the country's service members – and chaplains aren't being excluded from the assault on their sincerely held beliefs.

"The Supreme Court announced its decision on April 29 to deny the petition by 38 military chaplains to reinstate Alvarado v. Austin. The court refused to stay, or pause, the policies that caused unfair retaliation by the Department of Defense (DOD) for making religious exemption requests.
American Family News spoke to retired Vietnam War veteran and lead attorney Arthur Schulcz, who admits he is "incredibly disappointed" in the Supreme Court's decision to not take on the case.
Despite what he calls the high court's "unconscionable denial of our petition," he vows to continue to seek an effective way to restore the chaplains' careers. One option, he explains, is "a new case can be started to seek declaratory, injunctive and remedial relief for the career-ending injuries resulting from the Armed Services' retaliation for filing religious accommodation requests."
While the COVID-19 military vaccine mandate is said to have been rescinded in January 2023, Schulcz argues that isn't true. For example, he discloses that some of the chaplains failed selection for promotion for filing their religious accommodation requests – and argues that "adverse actions like this must be removed.""


:pray: :pray: :amen: :amen: :thankyou: :thankyou: