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CBDCs: A Clear and Present Danger to the USA


Staff member
This is excepted from an email I received from

CBDCs are not “decentralized” like cryptocurrencies. Instead, these government-created digital currencies are, by definition, “centralized,” running on internal blockchains. This creates “single points of failure,” Awosika says.

This centralized system with “single points of failure” means CBDCs are infinitely easier to hack, Awosika [Emmanuel Awosika, a digital currency expert based in Georgia] says.

“Malicious actors only need to breach a few servers, and suddenly, they can control the entire country’s monetary supply,” Awosika writes in a recent article for “Hacker Noon,” an e-zine for the hacking community.

If that’s not troubling enough, consider the words of one of the people battling hackers on a daily basis.

Lior Lamesh is a cyber security expert who honed his skills on Israel’s elite cyber team, where he reported directly to the Israeli prime minister’s office. Lamesh, now out of public service, has a firm that helps banks protect themselves against cyberattacks.

“Imagine a group of dedicated hackers finds, penetrates and gains access to a backdoor that gives them control of the central bank’s private key,” Lamesh says. “Private keys are the most important elements of a blockchain system, as any transactions conducted with the private key are registered by the system as valid and secure. At this point, the bulk — or a significant chunk — of the country’s treasury could effectively be held hostage by a criminalorganization. Not only could a criminal create or destroy CBDCs at will, that criminal could also simply freeze the entire country’s monetary system, preventing anyone — you, me, giant corporations, or even the U.S. government — from accessing or using any funds.

In such an event, “The world’s economic and political order and stability would, undoubtedly, be tested,” Lamesh says.

Yet Joe Biden is stumbling forward to adopt the Chinese Communist Party’s latest technique for controlling its own citizens. He is either blind to the risks, or simply doesn’t care.

Thankfully, some in Congress are wise to Joe Biden’s tyrannical monetary tricks.

Three bills are pending in Congress, seeking to stop Biden’s awful and dangerous CBDC plans.

Demand Congress vote to PROTECT OUR PRIVACY by voting YES on HR 1122, HR 3712, and S 887.
Here's another email message on the very real danger of CBDCs. I believe all adult Americans should read this information.
Last fall, currency experts Natalie Smolenski and David Held released a policy white paper, “Why the U.S. Should Reject Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs).” The paper identifies several serious concerns about Joe Biden’s Executive Order 14067 and his plan to replace cold hard American cash with digital programmable money.

“Once CBDCs are implemented, there is nothing technically or legally preventing central banks from imposing direct haircuts on, or repossessions of, anyone’s cash holdings, anywhere in the world,” according to Smolenski and Held.

“Central banks could directly confiscate private digital cash to pay down their sovereign debt, to discourage the use of digital cash, to decrease the money supply or for any other reason,” (emphasis added). The authors note that such abilities are “built into the political and technical architectures of CBDCs.”

Keep in mind, the U.S. government already seized assets of law-abiding Americans en masse once before. In 1933, President Franklin Delanor Roosevelt issued Executive Order 6102, which forced every American to turn their gold over to the U.S. government.

Congress spent too much, and the Federal Reserve had debts to pay. Every American was forced to cough up their gold, accepting a paper note backed by little more than the “full faith and credit of the U.S. government” in return. Any person who refused to give up their gold faced 10,000 dollars in fines (equivalent to 226,562 dollars today) and up to 10 years in prison.

When individuals and companies refused to give up their hard-earned gold, President Roosevelt issued yet more asset-seizure executive orders, and directed the U.S. Department of Justice to prosecute and imprison the citizens who simply wanted to retain their savings.

An ever-greedy Congress codified those outrageous executive orders into law, passing the Gold Reserve Act of 1934. That law allowed the president to change the gold content of the U.S. dollar — and therefore the dollar’s value — by proclamation alone.

And the arrests began:
  • Frederick Barber Campbell tried to withdraw his 5,000 troy ounces of gold from his account at Chase National Bank. Chase refused. Instead of Campbell getting his gold back, the Department of Justice prosecuted him for failing to surrender his gold willingly. While Campbell did not serve jail time, the U.S. government seized every bit of the 5,000 troy ounces of Campbell’s gold.
  • Gus Farber, a diamond and jewelry merchant from San Francisco, was prosecuted for selling 13 of his own 20-dollar gold coins without a license.
  • Louis Ruffino, a miner in California’s gold country, was convicted of possessing 78 ounces of gold. He was sentenced to six months in jail, paid a fine equivalent of 11,000 in today’s dollars, and the government seized all of Ruffino’s 78 ounces.
  • David Baraban and his son Jacob owned a company that bought broken gold jewelry. Government agents raided the Baraban’s home, and upon finding a cigar box full of broken jewelry, the father-son duo was prosecuted for conspiracy to defraud the United States government.
Many Americans began burying their gold and valuables in their backyards rather than risk banks giving the money to Uncle Sam. Many more arrests and seizures occurred, and in fact, continued all the way until 1974 when then-President Gerald Ford signed a bill “allowing” Americans to own physical gold once again.https://lclist.org/trk/click?ref=z12nmwp1bq_2-n24sop-30-4379_0x3756cx0ASEFGs4aOp

As the great economist Frederick Hayek and so many others aptly noted, a populace is not free if they do not control the fruits of their labor. In Baraban’s case, the government’s position cannot be understated — the men in Washington believed that the fruits of Baraban’s labors belonged to the government. When citizens like Baraban and others tried to exercise their rights over their own property, the U.S. government stole that property.

With CBDCs, there is no need at all for another tyrannical despot manning the Oval Office to send goons with guns. Instead, that tyrant need only click a button on a computer screen, and the assets are instantly seized.

And no longer would a president need to make a “proclamation” of what the dollar is worth. The Fed would simply click a few more buttons, making your hard-earned money worth more or less, depending on their desires … or perhaps even just because of who you are.

China already does this. Joe Biden, a big fan of FDR, seems bent on following the same route. As of today’s writing, the U.S. Treasury is in debt 32.7 TRILLION dollars. And who owns much of the debt debacle Joe Biden and his pals have created since Biden was first elected to the Senate 50 years ago in 1973? China!

Over the last 20 years, the Chinese Communist Party has bought more of the U.S. debt than any other country in the world. That might explain why Joe Biden is so keen to adopt a financial scheme already used by the CCP.

The Bible warns that the borrower is always slave to the lender (see Prov. 22:7). The only question is, how long until China calls its loans due?

Three pieces of legislation stand in the way of Joe Biden’s ability to seize control of your finances. To salvage whatever is left of America’s liberty dream, we must, at all costs, protect the fruits of our labor — even from, and perhaps especially from, our own government.

Don’t let Joe Biden seize YOUR assets to pay off Congress’ debt. Demand Congress VOTE YES on HR 1122, HR 3712, and S 887!
The debt that the government incurs is on the shoulders of the citizens to repay, so calling it Congress' debt is deceptive. It is the peoples' debt, like it or not, and I don't think anyone likes it.

Also the percentage of our total debt that China owns is quite small. As of a year ago China owned a little less than a trillion dollars of US debt. As a piece of the total debt pie, that's just a little sliver. China has been slowly unloading that debt... smart move, I think...
Here's a response that I received and thought that I would share a section:

Thank you for contacting me about H.R. 1122, the CBDC Anti-Surveillance Act. I appreciate you taking the time to reach out, and I deeply value your insight and input.

A Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) is a digital version of a country's official currency issued by the central bank. It operates on a centralized system, has the same value as physical currency, and can be used for payments, value storage, and transactions.

The Federal Reserve has made clear that there is no concrete plan to implement a CBDC in the near future. Still, many have voiced concern that a CBDC would grant the government unprecedented access to the private financial activities of Americans in their day-to-day lives.

The CBDC Anti-Surveillance Act would prevent the Federal Reserve from issuing a CBDC directly to an individual. In addition, it prevents the Federal Reserve from using a CBDC to enact monetary policy. Monetary policy is how the Federal Reserve influences the economy by adjusting the money supply and interest rates to impact unemployment, growth, and inflation. Please know I will keep your input in mind if this bill or related legislation is brought up for a vote before the House.
Their argument is full of holes. There are a number of government acts in existence that prevent the government and its bureaucracy from spying on law-abiding American citizens; but those acts don't stop various government agencies from doing just that. I have little faith in government promises. I guess 79 years of life, much of it in a profession that (back in those days) actually acted as a watchdog on government has left me jaded.
There's more dangers to the CBDC when they add ESG to it..

This is an excerpt from the article I am including in this thread.

"Below are brief summaries of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and how they can be wielded against society to e. [...] Whereas programmability could be weaponized to not only coerce cryptocurrencies can be designed to be decentralized, mass- ESG compliance, but also punish or reward any kind of distributed, and publicly accessible by society to varying societal behavior desired by the controllers of the CBDC degrees via free-market mechanisms, CBDCs are designed system. [...] to be fully centralized, private, and controllable by central For example, limits could be placed upon the amount banks and the interests they serve."

*** If you spend digital currency on the "wrong" things, that aren't in line with ESG... Environmental Social, Governance... Your account can be seized or frozen.

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How new ESG ‘credit scores’ could affect EVERY aspect of your life

Global elites may soon influence every financial aspect of your life — car loans, business loans, mortgages, and more. It's all thanks to the partnership between America's biggest banks, the federal government, and global groups like the World Economic Forum —and it has already begun.

The Heartland Institute's Justin Haskins joined Glenn Beck on the radio program to describe how Bank of America Merrill Lynch now assigns ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) credit scores for customers. It may not affect you yet, but soon, a low score — based on things like products you buy or how much electricity you use — could significantly impact your life.

Watch video:

Yes, ESG is already being used by government and other organizations to cancel bank accounts and freeze funding for countries and organizations that fail ESG standards. For example, the EMF is freezing all new monetary aid to Uganda because it refuses to decriminalize homosexual activity, including the grooming of children. And at least one international aid organization had its bank accounts closed by Bank of America because they failed BoA's ESG standards of support for inclusion of LGBTQ+ rights and environmental and climate concerns. Folks, one day it will be affecting us directly. And once ESG is tied to CBDC, all individual freedoms and rights will be at risk.