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Candace Owens fired from Daily Wire



Candace Owens Says She 'Cannot Be Silenced' After Daily Wire Exit​

Published Mar 22, 2024 at 11:20 AM EDT

Candace Owens has declared that she "cannot be silenced," following the announcement that she has been fired from her role at the Daily Wire.

"Daily Wire and Candace Owens have ended their relationship," Daily Wire CEO Jeremy Boreing wrote in a post shared on X, formerly Twitter, on Friday morning.

Owens reposted the statement on her own X account shortly after it was shared.

While Boreing did not elaborate on the move, it has been widely documented in the months since the Israel-Hamas war began that Owens was at loggerheads with the Daily Wire's editor emeritus Ben Shapiro over their opposing points of view on the conflict.

MORE Candace Owens says she "cannot be silenced" after Daily Wire exit

***I knew it was a matter of time. It sounds like this was the straw that broke the camel's back?


Candace Owens out at Daily Wire after host endorsed antisemitic trope about rabbis ‘drinking Christian blood’​

Social Links forShannon Thaler
Published March 22, 2024, 10:49 a.m. ET

Daily Wire chief Jeremy Boreing shared to X on Friday that the conservative news site has parted ways with its controversial political presenter Candace Owens.

“Daily Wire and Candace Owens have ended their relationship,” Boreing posted without further explanation of the split.

The move comes as Owens’ feud with Daily Wire co-founder Ben Shapiro over Israel was escalating.

In the aftermath of Hamas’ Oct. 7 terrorist attack, Owens has emerged as an outspoken critic of Israel, most recently “liking” a post on X about a centuries-old conspiracy theory that says rabbis drink the blood of Christians, Mediaite earlier reported.

She's the AOC of the right. But hey, she's good buds with Kanye, another obvious fraud from the jump, who just recently declared himself as "god", said he had issues with Jesus, and was going "death con" 3 on Jews. And last but not least, said he can't be antisemitic because he's black and those are the real Jews. Good riddance.
She definitely went head to head with Shapiro, and the talk about her being an antisemitic is very concerning. I always enjoyed watching her and know she was marginalized and even hated because she was black and a female and married to a white man and a conservative and possibly a Christian (but some type of religion).......and a lot of that seemed to come from the left and from the black community. Someone hated for all of those reasons should have a clue about their own racism, but then again, some of the smartest people are the dumbest people! The scary thing to me is that antisemitism seems to be deeply engrained in the modern Christian Church. I think Andy Woods commented in some of his videos about whether a person can or cannot be a Christian and still be antisemitic.

She will still very likely smile all the way to the bank with some sort of forthcoming TV or online podcast gig.
Listened to some of her statements from time to time but always seemed to be a dramatic loose cannon with her statements at times. I used to think it was an attention thing for more viewers. I never checked her out on her spiritual beliefs which should be our standard if we are going to follow someone on social media, but I was not a follower and something about her made me stay distant. So many people on social media outlets, we have to be wise on who/what we listen to while wading through the muck of everyone's attempts to get our attention, many of whom are following demons and their leader.
How can such an intelligent person hold to such a demonstrably wrong idea? Just proves again the Bible truth not to put your trust in human beings. God alone can be relied on, one hundred percent of the time.
I am pretty sure she got in with a Catholic crowd....the ones who think Israel forfeited everything and are no longer cared about.
RCC-nationalists is what they basically are.

Have to say, I do not like the ADL. They are very liberal and are not lovers of God. They do a lot of damage.

But that doesnt mean that the Jewish people as a whole are to be hated.
If I had not grown up understanding, and then seeing for myself as an adult, that God has a future plan for Israel, I would have fallen into this mindset based on so much atheism and liberalism among Jews.

We need spiritual eyes to see.
I agree. Just b/c someone is a conservative does NOT mean they are in agreement and alliance with the Bible. The same can be said of people that profess Christianity. I like a lot of what the far right elephant party supposedly believes in but I'm fully aware that many of them are not in agreement and alliance with me, let alone the Bible.
She's acquired fresh teary-eyed hurt boy sifts from the camps of Tate, Kanye, "Sneako", and Fuentes and his cult of "groypers". They see big bad Jews everywhere because they believe in boogeymen. They look for them under their bed before they sleep, while pretending to be hardened doorkickers who are going to save the United States and deliver us from the Jewish cabal. They embody the weak mind and are Biblical ignorance personified. That's her new crowd.

She had a very recent episode where she said she'd "stake her professional career and reputation" that Emannuel Macron's wife is a man. Why? Because reasons. Any good evidence? Nah. Of course not. Never mind that Bridgette's daughters are dead ringers of their mother. In that same episode, and this is rich, she all excitedly bleated "The First Lady is simply unable to produce any photos of herself throughout the first thirty years of her life!!!!!" While every picture she showed were pictures from Bridgette's childhood within the first thirty years. It was a remarkable self-own. And guess which Candace Owens episode is now removed? You guessed it. Guess who lost their job? You guessed it. Guess whose reputation is swirling down the toilet with everyone but the fringe? Ding, ding, ding! Guess why? Take your pick.

But Candace was a serial doxxer and graduated to a serial bridge burner and worse, she uses whatever version of faith she finds expedient for exaltation (her Christ is King schtick which is currently trending on X). Bridge burners wind up on lonely islands. People that perpetually light fires and then act surprised when everything around them is burning down and then point over the hill at the monster they've imagined...just oof. She didn't stop at taking one "red pill", she downed the entire bottle. And hey, she may even be right twice per day like all broken clocks are.
I have some things to share that is somewhat tied to this Candace getting fired topic. It has been on my mind all day long and I think I will feel better to write you all an update (get it out of my head).

(Mattfivefour and TT. if I reference any names below that are not allowed, go ahead and edit or delete my post, I do think this is safe though because Andy Woods has spoken about them too and I know we appear to like Andy Woods on here. and this is group is exactly what has been missing in my life. a group who understands prophecy pretty deeply and can help me navigate and process what is going on in this world)

I have a friend who I have known for 17 years. I view her as highly intellectual, outspoken and a solid Christian. I don't question her faith or salvation for a minute. She has always been a student of the Bible.

Something has happened very recently. And it has been quite shocking for me to watch, but again, I think this is evidence of what the Bible talks about regarding divisions and delusions near the end.

She started to talk about how she doesn't like Amir ("he is a zionist, always talking about end times"). A few of us were "OK" . I truly feel she is a Berean, but she also is a huge researcher with many things and is one who went down every rabbit hole out there with the deep State, major Q follower during Trumps term etc. When she makes any statement, she states it strongly with confidence and doesn't care who she offends. I love her, but that is one thing that tends to turn others off.

Anyway, After the whole episode on 10/7 there was quite a shift in her and it has been heartbreaking to watch. She follows Rick Wiles and Chuck Baldwin and was trying to get me to listen to them. I listened to an episode of each of them to appease her, fully did not agree and had a super bad internal feeling about them,.
And then, guess what? A week later, On Andy Wood's Friday pastor perspective episode #275 he spent time extensively warning about both of these men and quoting them. I knew the timing was unbelievable for me to watch this from Andy just one week after my friend was having me listen to those two. They are against Israel completely. They also don't believe in the rapture, they don't think Israel now is the Israel from the Bible, they don't think there will be any 12 tribes, no third temple.... it goes on. My friend is completely in line with everything they say.

Now on Candace: in later October, I am not sure if anyone heard, but she and Megyn Kelly had a riff. Megyn has gained a huge following with her private podcast since Tucker was fired because she sided with Tucker and she also doesn't hold back on truthful journalism like Tucker doesn't. It all started because Megyn was saying that Vivek Ramaswamy was out of line to say we should not have Harvard provide the names of the students who signed that anti Israel letter. There was a call at the time to let the names be known so future employers would know who they were if they tried to work for their firms. Vivek was against this and Megyn was not .

It went like this (publicly on X):
Megyn to Vivek: “If they are not ‘persuaded’ that murdering babies is wrong, there is no ‘persuading’ them,” “We don’t hire those who do the killing & we don’t hire those who applaud the killers while the savagery is underway. If you are open to hiring one of these lunatics, tho, good to know!”

Enter Candace:
“Oh stop it,” “This is incredibly disingenuous, Megyn. You know that many of those students are not out there because they want babies to be murdered.” Owens went on to say that college kids “are stupid” and said she used to be “radically pro-choice” herself and was now glad “I didn’t get put on a ‘conservative’ black list for wanting babies murdered.”

“Being liberal is not the same as taking to the streets to cheer murdered babies and blame said murders on the victims,” Kelly retorted. “But you go ahead and hire as many of them as you want Candace. I’m sure the @realDailyWire will love that.”

Owens and Kelly continued their spat, with Owens arguing that students are “misguided,” believing they are taking part in a righteous cause.


“K I look forward to seeing them intern on your show and your reeducation of them,” Kelly wrote.


“You’re attempting snark, but as a matter of fact, I almost exclusively hired reformed BLM activists to work for my charity, BLEXIT,” Owens replied. “They actually proved to be the most dedicated employees to the cause because the mission was personal to them.”

She added that she is “living proof” that students can change their beliefs. “Cultural propaganda coupled with educational brainwash has proven potent, but not irreversible,” Owens wrote.

“Awesome! Keep it rolling!” Kelly sarcastically replied. “Students for Justice in Palestine will love your thoughtful lessons on how it’s bad to murder Jews. Can’t wait to see you turn their lives around.

and then the fight between Candace and Ben started not long after until Candace took her leave for Maternity in Dec.

So now, Candace is back and she is still at it about Israel and crossed the line with that recent Rabbi interview.

Last night, my friend and I went back and forth quite a bit on it. She is extremely pro Candace.

Friends here on CCF:

Candace has a massive following in the conservative world and Christians have always liked her. I was a huge fan myself. She has changed and she does have liberal roots that she left not that long ago really.

I am in shock that people like Rick and Chuck and Candace have pulled the wool over my friend's eyes where she is very much against Israel now .

She said "Candace doesn't belong with Daily Wire with all of their Jewish propaganda"

Candace is going to launch her all new platform like Tucker. She has a loud and strong voice, so I am sure she is going to be a strong spearhead "tool" with causing far more divisiveness with Christians in our country . My friend seems to have lost her focus on what is "Good" and what God's plan is, she is on this other path that goes deep into the Rothchild family's involvement with Israel. and last night she also said:

"the reason Candace got fired was because she calls into question how the Jewish government state, institutions and establishment are run. Too many questions not answered! if you question Jews, you get cancelled"

Also, I saw that Turning Point USA (TPUSA) posted a photo of her on their Instagram late yesterday..... many took it as them saying they are on Candace's side. As you know, Charlie Kirk (TPUSA founder) has done an amazing job of influencing the youth towards conservatism. It is fine to question anything and everything if you want, but.....where are you going with it, what is the motive? if conservatives push and push to show that today's jews all come from the deep state (Jewish Cabal as Eric mentioned above), your going to see a lot of conservatives who don't know the Bible and are not as educated on the holocaust, flip to anti-semitism

I know Charlie Kirk is a friend of Amir's and Hibbs as well. AND he is a friend of CANDACE.. they do events together all the time.

My friend keeps saying "those Jewish people today are all evil" Well, a lot of us Americans are evil too. God documented carefully in many books how he punished them for years because of their ways. In the end, he will do the final dealing with them. She has known this, so I don't see what her point is to favor people who want to do them in now... it's God's vengeance.

Thanks for letting me share. It is all part of the spiritual battle right now. (again, delete this if not appropriate to discuss)
I have a friend who I have known for 17 years. I view her as highly intellectual, outspoken and a solid Christian. I don't question her faith or salvation for a minute. She has always been a student of the Bible.

Something has happened very recently. And it has been quite shocking for me to watch, but again, I think this is evidence of what the Bible talks about regarding divisions and delusions near the end.

She started to talk about how she doesn't like Amir ("he is a zionist, always talking about end times"). A few of us were "OK" . I truly feel she is a Berean, but she also is a huge researcher with many things and is one who went down every rabbit hole out there with the deep State, major Q follower during Trumps term etc. When she makes any statement, she states it strongly with confidence and doesn't care who she offends. I love her, but that is one thing that tends to turn others off.

Anyway, After the whole episode on 10/7 there was quite a shift in her and it has been heartbreaking to watch. She follows Rick Wiles and Chuck Baldwin and was trying to get me to listen to them. I listened to an episode of each of them to appease her, fully did not agree and had a super bad internal feeling about them,.
And then, guess what? A week later, On Andy Wood's Friday pastor perspective episode #275 he spent time extensively warning about both of these men and quoting them. I knew the timing was unbelievable for me to watch this from Andy just one week after my friend was having me listen to those two. They are against Israel completely. They also don't believe in the rapture, they don't think Israel now is the Israel from the Bible, they don't think there will be any 12 tribes, no third temple.... it goes on. My friend is completely in line with everything they say.
Pray for her. As you discerned, she's drifted into error. I'm praying for a Christian I know that should know better but is drifting a bit- some gnostic stuff spouted by another friend that he's falling for. Prayer is needed.

Some of this stuff starts with a little seed of antisemitism. I watched the Q Anon movement with great alarm as it built a crowd following within the Republican and sad to say amongst Christians.

I was even more horrified at the antisemitic stuff erupting from the Q.

It occurred to me that antisemitic stuff is a gateway for bigger worser delusion and deception.

Rick Wiles has been dreadful to Jan Markell and other dispensational believers who trust the Bible to be 100% in the prophecies, if the past are fulfilled 100% then the future are too and that would include the promises to Israel, including in prophecy that mentions them being in the land etc.

I think the Holy Spirit was giving you confirmation via Andy Woods.
I know Charlie Kirk is a friend of Amir's and Hibbs as well. AND he is a friend of CANDACE.. they do events together all the time.
It's concerning to see conservatives attacking each other. Daily Wire has a huge outreach too.

Like Margery points out, this antisemitic stuff is especially poisonous. It seems to affect us believers in a weird way, either watching rock-solid conservatives crumble, or watch as some of our friends get their heads twisted over these things.
She's acquired fresh teary-eyed hurt boy sifts from the camps of Tate, Kanye, "Sneako", and Fuentes and his cult of "groypers". They see big bad Jews everywhere because they believe in boogeymen. They look for them under their bed before they sleep, while pretending to be hardened doorkickers who are going to save the United States and deliver us from the Jewish cabal. They embody the weak mind and are Biblical ignorance personified. That's her new crowd.