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Canadian school board removes document linking Christianity, education with 'white supremacy'

The largest school board in Canada has removed an official document from its website that equated the Canadian education system with “white supremacy” and listed Christianity as a trait of “a colonial structure that centers whiteness.”

A copy of the 2024 handbook from the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) titled “Facilitating Critical Conversations: A Teaching Resource for Challenging Oppression in Toronto District School Board Classrooms” went viral for its “anti-Oppressive approach” which named “Christian” as a one of the characteristics of an overarching “dominant culture” which “must be actively decolonized.”

Defined in its introduction as a “teaching resource” for educators and other staff to “fulfill this commitment of anti-oppressive practices by facilitating critical conversations in their classrooms,” the 44-page TDSB handbook cites, among other resources, the Southern Poverty Law Center, an organization that has faced immense criticism for labeling a number of Christian conservative groups and public figures as hateful.

Among the “core beliefs” outlined in the opening pages of the handbook are:

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they're only sorry that they got caught. They'll be back with the same garbage. Only more carefully hidden. Shows what kids are learning in school these days and it isn't the 3 Rs.

So black people, brown people and everything in between can't be Christians. What a load of trash.
they're only sorry that they got caught. They'll be back with the same garbage. Only more carefully hidden. Shows what kids are learning in school these days and it isn't the 3 Rs.

So black people, brown people and everything in between can't be Christians. What a load of trash.
Until they are and then they are quickly dismissed as being brainwashed and just as evil. As a Latina, it’s always interesting how quickly my opinion doesn’t matter because I’m Christian. If I was spouting Leftist talking points, then my opinion would be valid 🤦🏽‍♀️

I thank God for my saved husband and parents, and Godly friends. It feels less lonely in this sin-filled world.