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Can AI suffer cognitive decline? New Israeli study suggests surprising limits

Advanced AI chatbots, including ChatGPT and Google’s Gemini, exhibit cognitive limitations similar to those seen in human cognitive decline, according to a new study by neurologists at Jerusalem’s Hadassah Medical Center and an Israeli data scientist.

The research, published in the medical journal BMJ, raises questions about the ability of AI to replace human doctors in tasks requiring complex integration and empathy.

Using assessments designed to identify cognitive impairments, such as the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MOCA), researchers evaluated leading AI models, including two versions of ChatGPT, Google’s Gemini, and Claude, a top-performing language model. "We scored the chatbots just as we would a patient," said Gal Kopelvitz, a senior data scientist and one of the study's authors.
The AI models struggled particularly in visual-spatial tasks, such as drawing a clock set to 11:10 or connecting sequences of numbers and letters. "The MOCA test examines various cognitive abilities, including short-term memory, abstraction, and visual-spatial perception. These models had notable difficulty with the visual components," Kopelvitz noted.

