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Campaign to Bank Republican Votes Before Election Day Launches Phase 2 in All 50 States

Tall Timbers

Imperfect but forgiven
Staff member
The Republican National Committee's aggressive campaign to beat Democrats in pre-Election Day voting in 2024 is now live in all 50 states as of this week, a hopeful sign that investing in both legal efforts to defend the integrity of elections and taking advantage of early voting and ballot harvesting where it's allowed will give Republican candidates up and down the ballot an advantage come November 5.

Officially considered "Phase 2" of its national "Bank Your Vote" campaign — an effort endorsed by numerous Republicans including former President Donald Trump — the RNC worked with state party officials to launch another 41 state websites to complete the effort across all 50 states.

"When Republicans vote early, we win," RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel emphasized this week. "‘Bank Your Vote’ will be instrumental in getting Republicans to vote early or by mail to Beat Biden and secure Republican victories up and down the ballot," she added. "Every candidate, campaign, and committee now has the ability to educate, empower and turn out Republican voters early to victory."

Personally, my preference is to vote in a voting booth on election day. I think I'll continue to vote the way I always have: in an election booth on election day.
The Republican National Committee's aggressive campaign to beat Democrats in pre-Election Day voting in 2024 is now live in all 50 states as of this week, a hopeful sign that investing in both legal efforts to defend the integrity of elections and taking advantage of early voting and ballot harvesting where it's allowed will give Republican candidates up and down the ballot an advantage come November 5.

Officially considered "Phase 2" of its national "Bank Your Vote" campaign — an effort endorsed by numerous Republicans including former President Donald Trump — the RNC worked with state party officials to launch another 41 state websites to complete the effort across all 50 states.

"When Republicans vote early, we win," RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel emphasized this week. "‘Bank Your Vote’ will be instrumental in getting Republicans to vote early or by mail to Beat Biden and secure Republican victories up and down the ballot," she added. "Every candidate, campaign, and committee now has the ability to educate, empower and turn out Republican voters early to victory."

Personally, my preference is to vote in a voting booth on election day. I think I'll continue to vote the way I always have: in an election booth on election day.
Vote early- because letting the Dems know exactly how many votes they need to manufacture is a winning strategy?

I've always liked voting in person on election day.
However, my personal circumstance now means I have to vote absentee by mail.
No problem doing so here, and my ballot always arrives early enough to allow me to research all the candidates, questions, and judges, and mail it back to get where it needs to go in plenty of time.
Minnesota has had same-day voter registration since 1960s, so processes and procedures have been refined and generally work well.
I'm "sure" there's both voter fraud and honest mistakes, but overall, these seem pretty minimal, and elections are pretty orderly.

Having seen "elections" in some third-world countries, and in other states, I feel very blessed to live and vote here.
Praying that the scrutineers don't get shoved out the door on election night due to "emergencies" that result in trucks of ballots arriving via the back door once the scrutineers have left.
Here, the election judges aren't just D or R, but there have to be at least two at every voting spot. When I took Dad to vote, one of the judges at that polling place was from the Populist Party. During a different election, one of the election judges was from one of the marijuana legalization parties. I think the relative strength of third parties here helps keep things a little more honest.