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California Senate Passes Ban on Notifying Parents of Child Gender Transitions

The California senate passed a bill that essentially bans notifying parents of child gender transitions — a biological impossibility — which coincides with Gov. Gavin Newsom’s (D-CA) apparent belief that parents do not have the right to know if their child is “transitioning.”

Lawmakers consider the legislation — AB-1955 Support Academic Futures and Educators for Today’s Youth Act — something that would protect the “forced outing” of a child to his or her parents. According to a summary of the bill:

This bill would prohibit school districts, county offices of education, charter schools, and the state special schools, and a member of the governing board or body of those educational entities, from enacting or enforcing any policy, rule, or administrative regulation that requires an employee or a contractor to disclose any information related to a pupil’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression to any other person without the pupil’s consent unless otherwise required by law, as provided. The bill would prohibit employees or contractors of those educational entities from being required to make such a disclosure unless otherwise required by law, as provided. The bill would prohibit employees or contractors of school districts, county offices of education, charter schools, or the state special schools, or members of the governing boards or bodies of those educational entities, from retaliating or taking adverse action against an employee on the basis that the employee supported a pupil in the exercise of specified rights, work activities, or providing certain instruction, as provided.

In other words, parents would be left in the dark, as the legislation states, “Policies that forcibly ‘out’ pupils without their consent remove opportunities for LGBTQ+ young people and their families to build trust and have these conversations when they are ready.”


What adult is going to miss the appearance or disappearance of breasts or facial hair, or the raising or lowering of a child/teen's voice.

Kind of like not noticing a 7th-month pregnancy or disappearance of same.

Next, I suppose TPTB will require every child to wear a bra, with or without stuffing/prostehtics, so they all look the same :mad:
It is a hard decision to leave a state, one's job, etc., but Believers, for their protection and the protection of their families should flee some of these states that are doing such absurd things, and I do mean flee!
I wonder where we will go as this evil spreads throughout all of the country. I think about my kids in 20 years. I’m praying for them every day for the intense persecution sure to reach them.
I wonder where we will go as this evil spreads throughout all of the country. I think about my kids in 20 years. I’m praying for them every day for the intense persecution sure to reach them.

Wyoming is pretty solid right now even though half of its republicans or more in office at the state level are RINOs. I think Florida and Texas could go south real quick depending on who ends in in office in those states down the road. The safest states are probably mostly in the south, and "maybe" New Hampshire in the northeast. Before it's over there may be no safe place for raising children.
Wyoming is pretty solid right now even though half of its republicans or more in office at the state level are RINOs. I think Florida and Texas could go south real quick depending on who ends in in office in those states down the road. The safest states are probably mostly in the south, and "maybe" New Hampshire in the northeast. Before it's over there may be no safe place for raising children.
That’s why we picked NH, for the time being. Mike got the job in MA and we knew NH was the most conservative with the best laws in New England. We really wanted West Virginia, to be further south and close to my mom, but it worked out as God wanted.
The problem is that California has made it a "sanctuary state" for this, meaning that any minor can come from any other state to have the medical mutilations done on tax payers expense, including hotel stay. How this cannot be a legal liability is beyond my understanding. Purely satanic.
Minnesnowtastan, the same :headbang: :puke: :mad: :apost: :ban:
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, it's a mecca for FGM (pun intended)