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California is 1st state to ban school rules requiring parents get notified of child’s pronoun change

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — California became the first U.S. state to bar school districts from requiring staff to notify parents of their child’s gender identification change under a law signed Monday by Gov. Gavin Newsom.

The law bans school rules requiring teachers and other staff to disclose a student’s gender identity or sexual orientation to any other person without the child’s permission. Proponents of the legislation say it will help protect LGBTQ+ students who live in unwelcoming households. But opponents say it will hinder schools’ ability to be more transparent with parents.

The legislation comes amid a nationwide debate over local school districts and the rights of parents and LGBTQ+ students.

“This law helps keep children safe while protecting the critical role of parents,” Brandon Richards, a spokesperson for Newsom, said in a statement. “It protects the child-parent relationship by preventing politicians and school staff from inappropriately intervening in family matters and attempting to control if, when, and how families have deeply personal conversations.”


I don't know if there is a safe option outside of homeschooling. Believers will need to put their children first or will more likely lose them to the world.
I see the government eventually out lawing home schooling too. The elites in power want every child indoctrinated to their vile ideology. If California remains under leadership of the radical left they will keep changing laws towards their agenda.
Mike and I already talk about the potential for homeschooling to become illegal. We would have to leave the country at that point. Idk where we would go but I’m praying for God to let us teach our kids about him. That is all I want to do every day of the rest of my life. There is nothing more important. The day I see their salvation will be the day I can die in peace.

I do hope we go in the rapture while they are still toddlers.
I can see a LOT of unregistered births

and a LOT of kids with chronic "illnesses" and "clumsiness" and "sick" grandparents and etc.

and a LOT of families moving out of school districts with copies of records to "enroll someplace else," but never enrolling their kids in school anywhere

and a LOT of families trading teaching in return for sanctuary in the migrant/illegal communities

and a LOT of churches becoming sanctuaries