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Britain’s House of Commons approves assisted suicide bill

The British House of Commons approved an assisted dying bill, legislation that would let terminally ill adults in England and Wales seek medical assistance to end their lives.

The Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill, introduced by Labor member of Parliament Kim Leadbeater, has been the focus of cultural debate for several weeks, with many opponents arguing the vote was rushed.

After five hours of discourse, with stories of death and family pain shared, the bill won 330-275.

The legislation now heads to the parliamentary committee’s third reading for further review. Bolstered by the support of the elected chamber, the bill has a good chance of becoming law.


This is becoming a global trend to provide assisted suicide.

From history in this practice it always begins with offering this as an option for terminal illnesses.
But in a matter of time, it has turned into a benefit to government to expand it's purpose to using it to take the "burden" of costly medical maintenance for health insurance and government medical assistance and to advance the globalists agenda for depopulation of "useless eaters".

I've read stories about euthanasia being used for situations like homelessness and depression and is being used on the pretext of "compassion" for anyone who feels hopeless over life's circumstances.

There's an evil behind the increasing use for this "option" and in reality the ones benefitting from it the most are the ones who are promoting it.

But God says

"Vengeance is Mine, I shall repay "
It’s a sad day. This devaluation of human life is what satanic forces love.
Satan uses his human minions to do evil, and it will will go from bad to worse (2 Timothy 3:13), and he also knows God's appointed time is near to send His Son to bind him for a thousand years and his influence over humans will be out of commission so his work of evil is out in the open and those who have refused to repent and receive God's Grace by giving their lives to Jesus are being used to do evil and it's evident in how they are seeing evil as good and good as evil, be we who have The Holy Spirit in us see it the way God sees it because He has given us The Holy Spirit.
We don't lose heart because Jesus has already Won the Victory as Jesus tells us in John 16:33
What a blessing that God has given us a preview of His coming Righteousness through His Prophetic Word when Jesus overthrows Satan's power over the world and sits on His Throne and His Kingdom will never be given to another. Daniel 2:44

Even so Come Lord Jesus
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