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BRICS could establish its own parliament - Putin

Members of the BRICS economic group could establish their own parliament in the future, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at the tenth parliamentary forum of the bloc in St. Petersburg on Thursday.

The Russian leader noted that the number of participants had increased this year. He said Russia, as the current chair of the group, would ramp up efforts to ensure that the four new members of the bloc were effectively integrated following their accession earlier this year.


OK this is vintage Putin. AND it's a MASSIVE power grab.

Real Parliaments as he well knows, are within the same country, under the same leader. The states or provinces that make up the full group (the Parliament) don't have full control over their areas except in limited situations.

It's why the European Parliament isn't fully formed and functional while the individual members still have some of their sovereignty intact. It is also why the EU and the European Parliament are gradually removing member states rights while quietly amassing power over Europe. All you have to do is look at the difficulty with Brexit to realize that other nations won't escape that net that easily ever again. And it was plenty hard for Britain to exit.

Something he knows full well.

I suspect he sees a future BRICS Parliament with Mother Russia in full control of the members and himself as the leader in charge.

That includes: Russia, China, Iran, India, South Africa, Egypt, Ethiopia, the United Arab Emirates and Brazil.

A good chunk of Africa, India, Iran, CHINA!!!! as well as part of the Arabian peninsula and the biggest country in South America. Global reach for a man with global ambitions (for the good of "mother" Russia of course)

By suggesting this he's tipped his hand - his wish to control those others- CHINA among them with INDIA making up a HUGE percent of the world's population, as well as Brazil, Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia and the UAE. China and Brazil are the only ones not mentioned in Ezekiel 38 (the UAE would probably -but not for sure--go in with Sheba and Dedan which comprise Saudi Arabia)

OF COURSE he is only suggesting it if he's got a game plan already operating in the background to take control of such a "Parliament".
China is his only real rival and of course they will back up this "parliament" with the same idea only with themselves in charge. Russia and China both feel they can mud wrestle the other to victory after the little players are on board.

And of COURSE it's now while he or rather Russia is the leader or chair of the group.

The end of the article is VERY important
"Moscow has also accelerated efforts to move away from SWIFT by trading with fellow BRICS nations in national currencies. The trend has been increasingly supported by group members, which have shifted from using the US dollar and euro for trade settlements. The share of national currencies in Russia's settlements with BRICS countries jumped to 85% at the end of 2023, up from 26% two years ago."

In other words the war in Ukraine and the sanctions have actually driven BRICS to move towards Russia (and China).
I suspect he sees a future BRICS Parliament with Mother Russia in full control of the members and himself as the leader in charge.
Your views are very interesting Margery :thankyou:

I hadn't really tried to wrap my head around this because I had expected the world dividing into the Ten Kingdoms would happen next. My assumption that the ten kingdoms had to be geographically connected is getting stretched. I can't think of any Scripture that describes how the ten horns, or kingdoms get organized?? Can you?
Your views are very interesting Margery :thankyou:

I hadn't really tried to wrap my head around this because I had expected the world dividing into the Ten Kingdoms would happen next. My assumption that the ten kingdoms had to be geographically connected is getting stretched. I can't think of any Scripture that describes how the ten horns, or kingdoms get organized?? Can you?
Margery can reply to your comment to her analysis,
but here's how I see it.
Putin has his vision for a New World Order, different from the overall globalists plans for their New World Order.
Putin has in mind to form a Region of countries called Eurasia, to control the world. This is why he wants to form his Parliament, which is what the OP article is about.
However, prophetically, The Bible tells us that the One World Government that takes control of the world will be the ten horned kingdom according to Daniel 7:7. Not Eurasia.
Putin's vision for his New World Order won't happen, prophetically, and should the Gog and Magog invasion of Israel take place between the Rapture and the beginning of The Tribulation, and IF Putin is Gog, that's IF he's Gog, we know God eliminates the Gog leader of Rosh, Russia, and his confederation that invades Israel according to Ezekiel 38 and 39.
So, any vision for a Eurasian New World Order governance is out the window.
Whether Putin is Gog or not, Russia will not have any World power whatsoever.
should the Gog and Magog invasion of Israel take place between the Rapture and the beginning of The Tribulation, and IF Putin is Gog, that's IF he's Gog, we know God eliminates the Gog leader of Rosh, Russia, and his confederation that invades Israel according to Ezekiel 38 and 39.
So, any vision for a Eurasian New World Order governance is out the window.
Whether Putin is Gog or not, Russia will not have any World power whatsoever.
I agree with what you have written ... IF these two assumptions are correct. For me the timing of Ezekiel 38 and 39 is the big question. One I have not fully settled in my own mind.
I agree with what you have written ... IF these two assumptions are correct. For me the timing of Ezekiel 38 and 39 is the big question. One I have not fully settled in my own mind.
Agree on the timing.
Some believe Ezekiel 38 war begins prior to the rapture and continues afterwards into the "gap".
Others believe it begins after the rapture and continues into the Tribulation

One question has been about the burning of the weapons for seven years. When does this begin?

Idk but either way, but I'm convinced that Russia will not have it's world power over all the nations.
OK this is vintage Putin. AND it's a MASSIVE power grab.

Real Parliaments as he well knows, are within the same country, under the same leader. The states or provinces that make up the full group (the Parliament) don't have full control over their areas except in limited situations.

It's why the European Parliament isn't fully formed and functional while the individual members still have some of their sovereignty intact. It is also why the EU and the European Parliament are gradually removing member states rights while quietly amassing power over Europe. All you have to do is look at the difficulty with Brexit to realize that other nations won't escape that net that easily ever again. And it was plenty hard for Britain to exit.

Something he knows full well.

I suspect he sees a future BRICS Parliament with Mother Russia in full control of the members and himself as the leader in charge.

That includes: Russia, China, Iran, India, South Africa, Egypt, Ethiopia, the United Arab Emirates and Brazil.

A good chunk of Africa, India, Iran, CHINA!!!! as well as part of the Arabian peninsula and the biggest country in South America. Global reach for a man with global ambitions (for the good of "mother" Russia of course)

By suggesting this he's tipped his hand - his wish to control those others- CHINA among them with INDIA making up a HUGE percent of the world's population, as well as Brazil, Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia and the UAE. China and Brazil are the only ones not mentioned in Ezekiel 38 (the UAE would probably -but not for sure--go in with Sheba and Dedan which comprise Saudi Arabia)

OF COURSE he is only suggesting it if he's got a game plan already operating in the background to take control of such a "Parliament".
China is his only real rival and of course they will back up this "parliament" with the same idea only with themselves in charge. Russia and China both feel they can mud wrestle the other to victory after the little players are on board.

And of COURSE it's now while he or rather Russia is the leader or chair of the group.

The end of the article is VERY important
"Moscow has also accelerated efforts to move away from SWIFT by trading with fellow BRICS nations in national currencies. The trend has been increasingly supported by group members, which have shifted from using the US dollar and euro for trade settlements. The share of national currencies in Russia's settlements with BRICS countries jumped to 85% at the end of 2023, up from 26% two years ago."

In other words the war in Ukraine and the sanctions have actually driven BRICS to move towards Russia (and China).
Oohhhh nice, putting his Gog candidacy forward you reckon Margery?
Oh my goodness.

I just meant that Putin is being Putin, and showing a hint at his plans to take over the BRICS. A stepping stone in his view to taking over the world. For the good of mother Russia of course! :lol:

BRICS is just an economic group, they are dedicated to setting up their own currency at some point, and meanwhile their big thing is getting their money and their economies away from American (former Petro Dollar) control and sanctions.

My main point is that he's envisioning a form of Parliament in which he (or Russia, in his head, one and the same) control the biggest chunk of the economic pie, away from the oversight of America (sanctions) and allowing free trade within their group and later as other nations join, within the larger group. Right now Russia is chairing the group but as you can see Putin has bigger plans- if it's a Parliament, then someone is leading it and gets to boss the others around. Guess who Russia/Putin has in mind.

Whoever controls the money controls the nations that use money. Which is how the Petrodollar scheme worked.

Putin and Xi of China work together on all kinds of things to remove American dominance because the 2 of them think they can each use the other and then stab the other one in the back. It's how Russia and China always work together- eg when they were both communists. There was Chinese communists, and Russian communists and both versions cooperated when they had to against the West, but there was a LOT of infighting, and still is.

This is why they work together in the BRICS as well as the SCO Shanghai Cooperation Organization (NATO for Nasties) or the recent news article about the Moon plans. Always together, secretly jostling each other for dominance behind the curtain while presenting a united front against the west. Mudwrestlers. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, that is their motto.

But to clear something up.

BRICS are not the 10 kings, at least not right now, and maybe they never are. Depends on who or what the 10 kings turns out to be.

Putin isn't Gog - at least not yet - we can't know for sure who Gog is until the time of Ezek 38. Might be him, might be his successor, who knows. One thing I do know is that Medvedev WON'T be Gog. Some teachers in the west assume he's the next leader after Putin but he's always acted as Putin's puppet even when he assumed power so that Putin could go in again afterwards (Term limits even limit Putin at times) - think of him as Obama/Putin and Biden/Medvedev.

BRICS as far as Putin is concerned is a handy dandy means to an end. World domination (it's almost like an episode of Pinky and the Brain)

  • Pinky: “Gee Brain, what are we gonna do tonight?” Brain: “The same thing we do every night, try to take over the world!”

Because of the BRICS dedication to removing the Petrodollar (which Biden effectively did for them by not remembering to renew that deal with the Saudis) this gives Putin a chance to put the squeeze on the West, with Putin issuing sanctions against NATO and the West (including Western Europe).

At least that is how Putin sees it.

But we know a few things he doesn't. He or whoever is leading the Russian alliance, along with Iran, Turkey and the others, will meet the end of their plans for world domination when God deals with them during Ezek 38. Whenever that takes place.

All this does with BRICS is help Putin financially (which he needs) to finish what he started in the Ukraine invasion. It makes trading easier within the BRICS, evading sanctions. And eventually it finishes the American dollar as the world reserve currency. Somebody recently mentioned that some of these BRICS nations have been selling off all their Western holdings (before the dollar tanks I suppose)

This is also why you see the Saudis very angry with Biden because as usual, Biden has mishandled them from the start of his term and truthfully from the start of OBAMAS first term!!! The Saudis don't like the way Obama/Biden have pandered to Iran. The Saudis joined BRICS earlier this year - to keep a close eye on Iran and be in on the action of any new world currency, and quietly purposefully did NOT remind Biden to renew the Petrodollar agreement. They have taken sides and it's not with the USA. They actually fear that Sanctions could bite them if they anger America at some point. @Tall Timbers has been making that point for some years now and he is absolutely right.

The US dollar has to be backed with something. It used to be Gold, but since the Nixon era it's been OIL, SAUDI oil. That is the valuable basis for the dollar. Now it's blowing in the breeze, not tethered by any valuable item, not gold, not oil, since that agreement died last month.

So that is all that Putin is up to with BRICS.

But the fact that it's happening as the US dollar is waning- @PaidInFull could explain this better- means that we are seeing the inevitable fall of the West- the weakening of the old system, allowing some of the furniture to move around behind the curtain ready for the Tribulation period.

As many a prophecy teacher says, America isn't mentioned in Bible prophecy. While that is true, the absence of someone doesn't mean they aren't there, it just means they aren't a part of Israel's history in any big way that gets mentioned. However it does bring up the fact that nobody stands in the way of the Russian invasion of Israel. Tarshish and her cubs, Sheba and Dedan merely ask if Russia and company are on a looting expedition to plunder Israel.

As far as it's other prophetic implications, I don't know how it fits. All I know is that I pay attention to whatever Russia is doing because it's usually not what the western media says and one of these fine bright sunny days, Putin or whoever is leading Russia at the time will have a thought and Ezek 38 will happen.
Oh my goodness.

I just meant that Putin is being Putin, and showing a hint at his plans to take over the BRICS. A stepping stone in his view to taking over the world. For the good of mother Russia of course! :lol:

BRICS is just an economic group, they are dedicated to setting up their own currency at some point, and meanwhile their big thing is getting their money and their economies away from American (former Petro Dollar) control and sanctions.

My main point is that he's envisioning a form of Parliament in which he (or Russia, in his head, one and the same) control the biggest chunk of the economic pie, away from the oversight of America (sanctions) and allowing free trade within their group and later as other nations join, within the larger group. Right now Russia is chairing the group but as you can see Putin has bigger plans- if it's a Parliament, then someone is leading it and gets to boss the others around. Guess who Russia/Putin has in mind.

Whoever controls the money controls the nations that use money. Which is how the Petrodollar scheme worked.

Putin and Xi of China work together on all kinds of things to remove American dominance because the 2 of them think they can each use the other and then stab the other one in the back. It's how Russia and China always work together- eg when they were both communists. There was Chinese communists, and Russian communists and both versions cooperated when they had to against the West, but there was a LOT of infighting, and still is.

This is why they work together in the BRICS as well as the SCO Shanghai Cooperation Organization (NATO for Nasties) or the recent news article about the Moon plans. Always together, secretly jostling each other for dominance behind the curtain while presenting a united front against the west. Mudwrestlers.

But to clear something up.

BRICS are not the 10 kings, at least not right now, and maybe they never are. Depends on who or what the 10 kings turns out to be.

Putin isn't Gog - at least not yet - we can't know for sure who Gog is until the time of Ezek 38. Might be him, might be his successor, who knows. One thing I do know is that Medvedev WON'T be Gog. Some teachers in the west assume he's the next leader after Putin but he's always acted as Putin's puppet even when he assumed power so that Putin could go in again afterwards (Term limits even limit Putin at times) - think of him as Obama/Putin and Biden/Medvedev.

BRICS as far as Putin is concerned is a handy dandy means to an end. World domination (it's almost like an episode of Pinky and the Brain)

  • Pinky: “Gee Brain, what are we gonna do tonight?” Brain: “The same thing we do every night, try to take over the world!”

Because of the BRICS dedication to removing the Petrodollar (which Biden effectively did for them by not remembering to renew that deal with the Saudis) this gives Putin a chance to put the squeeze on the West, with Putin issuing sanctions against NATO and the West (including Western Europe).

At least that is how Putin sees it.

But we know a few things he doesn't. He or whoever is leading the Russian alliance, along with Iran, Turkey and the others, will meet the end of their plans for world domination when God deals with them during Ezek 38. Whenever that takes place.

All this does with BRICS is help Putin financially (which he needs) to finish what he started in the Ukraine invasion. It makes trading easier within the BRICS, evading sanctions. And eventually it finishes the American dollar as the world reserve currency. Somebody recently mentioned that some of these BRICS nations have been selling off all their Western holdings (before the dollar tanks I suppose)

This is also why you see the Saudis very angry with Biden because as usual, Biden has mishandled them from the start of his term and truthfully from the start of OBAMAS first term!!! The Saudis don't like the way Obama/Biden have pandered to Iran. The Saudis joined BRICS earlier this year - to keep a close eye on Iran and be in on the action of any new world currency, and quietly purposefully did NOT remind Biden to renew the Petrodollar agreement. They have taken sides and it's not with the USA. They actually fear that Sanctions could bite them if they anger America at some point. @Tall Timbers has been making that point for some years now and he is absolutely right.

The US dollar has to be backed with something. It used to be Gold, but since the Nixon era it's been OIL, SAUDI oil. That is the valuable basis for the dollar. Now it's blowing in the breeze, not tethered by any valuable item, not gold, not oil, since that agreement died last month.

So that is all that Putin is up to with BRICS.

But the fact that it's happening as the US dollar is waning- @PaidInFull could explain this better- means that we are seeing the inevitable fall of the West- the weakening of the old system, allowing some of the furniture to move around behind the curtain ready for the Tribulation period.

As many a prophecy teacher says, America isn't mentioned in Bible prophecy. While that is true, the absence of someone doesn't mean they aren't there, it just means they aren't a part of Israel's history in any big way that gets mentioned. However it does bring up the fact that nobody stands in the way of the Russian invasion of Israel. Tarshish and her cubs, Sheba and Dedan merely ask if Russia and company are on a looting expedition to plunder Israel.

As far as it's other prophetic implications, I don't know how it fits. All I know is that I pay attention to whatever Russia is doing because it's usually not what the western media says and one of these fine bright sunny days, Putin or whoever is leading Russia at the time will have a thought and Ezek 38 will happen.
Great assessment Margery. America has been in the way of the coming New World Order. Putin may just help the fall of America as a world power, since The US dollar has been the world economic trading power, and whether Putin knows it or not, by his BRICS support by important nations like Saudi Arabia and China who have been major economic support for The US and leading them away from the Dollar, The US cannot sustain itself economically and a US economic collapse will remove America as a world power and may assist the usherance of the Great Reset the globalists are looking for to implement their New World Order.
Putin has his vision for a New World Order, different from the overall globalists plans for their New World Order.
Putin has in mind to form a Region of countries called Eurasia, to control the world. This is why he wants to form his Parliament, which is what the OP article is about.
Absolutely. Putin and Xi both are globalists in their own special ways. They are allergic to Klaus Schwab's version of globalism. But they too want to control the planet.

Putin sees a world dominated by Mother Russia- And Xi would really like to start his own plans for world domination with the invasion of Taiwan if he and Putin and Iran can each occupy America while they get 'er done before the US election this fall. Later they can stab each other's back but right now- the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

No matter who wins the White House, they know they have a limited window of opportunity before the American election.

Biden has helped Iran as much as he can, he's assisted the BRICS by killing the Petrodollar and as we approach the finish line of history before the Tribulation we should see some power shifts.

NOBODY comes to the aid of Israel during Ezek 38. God and God alone rescues them. So whoever is in the White House is unwilling or unable to help. And with the last few years we've seen the decline of the US dollar and US dominance in world affairs.

In order for Ezek 38 to happen, America can't be a sheild for Israel as they have been in the past (even though they've demanded a 2 state solution, cut off Gaza and given it to Hamas as they did in 2005 etc).

BRICS doesn't mean that they are the world currency to come. Just that they are helping topple the American Petrodollar and American dominance. And as seen above, Putin is right at the forefront of this effort. He's not even bothering to hide it.
Biden has helped Iran as much as he can, he's assisted the BRICS by killing the Petrodollar and as we approach the finish line of history before the Tribulation we should see some power shifts.
Good insights!

However, prophetically, The Bible tells us that the One World Government that takes control of the world will be the ten horned kingdom according to Daniel 7:7. Not Eurasia.
Sorry for not being clear. I wouldn't suggest that Eurasia is going to conquer the world, or that BRICS will succeed with their new coin of the realm.

A few days ago I heard an investment expert on Pastor JB Hixson's podcast, really brilliant man.

As some of you know, JB can delve into a variety of conspiracy theories, and the interview with this expert on finances was counter to conspiracies. He used and example of pre WW2 Germany when they had raging inflation. One thing that they were doing was redefining their currency. The value goes down due to inflation and they'd mint a new coin/dollar to issue and it was worth less, repeat until all govt currency was worthless. A few Germans came out okay, and they were folks who had tangible portable assets. (And, this expert was not selling folks on gold & silver, though it's good to diversify.)

In using the example of Germany, there was an underlying urge to calm us and to help us understand that worldwide there won't be a solid currency leader. Clearly the Beast system would possibly move all currencies to digital anyhow with zero national identity, waiting until the AC comes on scene and plants his image on everything.

I didn't mean to suggest how the 10-horns may appear, I'm only mulling over that the ten nation divide may not be geographic. What if it's based on ten groups of political alliances?