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Breaking: UN committee charges Israel with crimes against humanity including sexual violence

The Independent International Commission of Inquiry published a new report on Wednesday on the "Occupied Palestinian Territories," claiming that "Israeli authorities are responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity committed during military operations and attacks in the Gaza Strip since October 7," according to Ynet.

According to the commission, established in May 2021, Israel is also responsible for sexual violence allegedly committed by soldiers during the war. The commission's chairman called for the cessation of IDF operations in Rafah.

The commission also claimed that Israeli authorities have used starvation as a means of warfare, have deliberately targeted attacks against civilians, forcibly displaced civilians, and conducted torture, inhumane or cruel treatment, arbitrary detention, and actions that harm personal dignity. The commission did acknowledge that Palestinian armed groups are also responsible for war crimes committed in Israel.


I'd like to know where the crimes against humanity are being charged against North Korea against it's own people and Christians and China against Christians and Ugar Muslims who's vital organs are being harvested while alive!
Everything about the UN is a lie and demonic!
Wow. :tsk:

Well, the World System is being it's usual self as fallen hearts are led by the prince of the power of the air. But it's stunning to see the depths. As Jeremiah says, the heart is desperately wicked, who can know it?

God knows the full truth and in His timing He'll make things right, that's so assuring.

And it's incredible to see prophecy unfolding so swiftly!