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Breaking: Biden: Israel offer is a 'historic opportunity, Hamas should take it'

Israel has proposed a new three-phase ceasefire deal and plan for the day after the war, President Joe Biden said on Friday afternoon during a special address from the White House.

Biden laid out the terms for the agreement which would begin with six weeks of ceased hostilities in which women, children, elderly and injured hostages would be released.

In the first phase, Israeli forces would withdraw from densely populated areas in Gaza.

Some American hostages would be released in the first stage. At this time Palestinians would also return to their homes in all areas of Gaza, including the north. Humanitarian aid would surge to 600 trucks carrying aid into Gaza per day.


Amir's response to Biden's speak proposal....

US President Biden stood up today and revealed the American proposal for an agreement and in his delusional words pushed for several points:
🛑 No pressure on Hamas, all pressure only on the Israeli government
🛑 Faith that Qatar and Egypt will ensure that Hamas keeps the agreement
🛑 Leaving Hamas as a governing and military body in Gaza
🛑 No guarantees that the "negotiations" will not drag on forever and at the same time Israel must not operate in Gaza
🛑 What was important to him - the reconstruction of Gaza and the economic agreement and the arms agreement with Saudi Arabia Biden does not see Israel in the eye. Biden sees $$.

Like his virtual handshakes with ghosts, so also in the clauses of the agreement Biden imagines negotiations with Hamas

Is this an Israel proposal, or did in come from the brain cell challenged diben administration?
One comment from an Israeli news said that Biden purposely chose this time to make that announcement because it's Sabbath and Netenyahu can't respond to it until Sabbath is over.
I have a hard time believing he made this proposal and another news report said Biden got Obama's endorsement for this proposal, and that says it all. Obama likely drafted it for Biden.
One comment from an Israeli news said that Biden purposely chose this time to make that announcement because it's Sabbath and Netenyahu can't respond to it until Sabbath is over.
I have a hard time believing he made this proposal and another news report said Biden got Obama's endorsement for this proposal, and that says it all. Obama likely drafted it for Biden.

We stab Israel in the back every step of the way. I'd like to see Israel completely disassociate itself from the evil govmint running the USA... but, unfortunately, they can't due to the very necessary weapons pipeline. It was a yuge mistake for Israel to become so dependent on the USA with regards to weapons of war.

Full text of Biden’s speech laying out hostage and ceasefire deal for Israel-Hamas war​

I — I want to give an update on my efforts to end the crisis in Gaza.

For the past several months, my negotiators of foreign policy, intelligence community, and the like have been relentlessly focused not just on a ceasefire that would eve- — that would inevitably be fragile and temporary but on a durable end to the war. That’s been the focus: a durable end to this war.

One that brings all the hostages home, ensures Israel’s security, creates a better “day after” in Gaza without Hamas in power, and sets the stage for a political settlement that provides a better future for Israelis and Palestinians alike.

Complete Speech:


Full text of Biden’s speech laying out hostage and ceasefire deal for Israel-Hamas war​

I — I want to give an update on my efforts to end the crisis in Gaza.

For the past several months, my negotiators of foreign policy, intelligence community, and the like have been relentlessly focused not just on a ceasefire that would eve- — that would inevitably be fragile and temporary but on a durable end to the war. That’s been the focus: a durable end to this war.

One that brings all the hostages home, ensures Israel’s security, creates a better “day after” in Gaza without Hamas in power, and sets the stage for a political settlement that provides a better future for Israelis and Palestinians alike.

Complete Speech:

I don't believe POTUS has the cognitive ability to write this kind of speech on his own. No way! 🙄
Is this an Israel proposal, or did in come from the brain cell challenged diben administration?
Not from Israel.

One comment from an Israeli news said that Biden purposely chose this time to make that announcement because it's Sabbath and Netenyahu can't respond to it until Sabbath is over.
I have a hard time believing he made this proposal and another news report said Biden got Obama's endorsement for this proposal, and that says it all. Obama likely drafted it for Biden.

Sounds about right for this administration.

Broken trust.

Broken trust with Israel, (holding weapons hostage in time of war, announcing deals behind Netanyahu's back probably with the caveat that if he says a peep, those weapons and spare parts NEVER get to Israel ever ever)

and as Bill Koenig reminds us often, whatever gets dished out towards Israel comes to bite us here at home.

It's going to be rough and bumpy till we lift off I think. :rapture:
This isn't going to result in anything good.
Those Islamists hate Israel and it's almost prophetic that Israel will cease fire and Hamas will once again make a move to attack Israel.
I doubt the hostage release will be satisfactory. I don't think many are still alive, if any.
Those videos Hamas has released of hostages could have been video taped months ago.
You can't trust a Fox with a Bunny rabbit, if you know what I mean.
Amir's response to Biden's speak proposal....

US President Biden stood up today and revealed the American proposal for an agreement and in his delusional words pushed for several points:
🛑 No pressure on Hamas, all pressure only on the Israeli government
🛑 Faith that Qatar and Egypt will ensure that Hamas keeps the agreement
🛑 Leaving Hamas as a governing and military body in Gaza
🛑 No guarantees that the "negotiations" will not drag on forever and at the same time Israel must not operate in Gaza
🛑 What was important to him - the reconstruction of Gaza and the economic agreement and the arms agreement with Saudi Arabia Biden does not see Israel in the eye. Biden sees $$.

Like his virtual handshakes with ghosts, so also in the clauses of the agreement Biden imagines negotiations with Hamas

Yeah the only handhshaking he's doing is with his demon overlord
From Amir today:

Biden is calling for a “permanent cessation of hostilities” even before Hamas’s downfall, and is effectively guaranteeing that they shall never be removed from power.

There’s absolutely no way in hell that Israel made this proposal — despite his assertions to the contrary.

A key point that Biden is stressing is that the temporary ceasefire will not end for as long as negotiations continue — without any deadline, thereby making it a permanent ceasefire.

I’ll say it again: There’s NO WAY Israel made this proposal. Biden just lied on national tv to all of America and Israel.

Here’s Israel’s Prime Minister office implying that Biden has conveyed terms to a ceasefire that are INACCURATE.


The Israeli government is united in the desire to return our abductees as soon as possible and is working to achieve this goal.

Therefore, the Prime Minister authorized the negotiating team to present an outline for achieving this goal, while insisting that the war will not end until all of its goals are achieved, including the return of all our abductees and the elimination of Hamas' military and governmental capabilities.

The exact outline proposed by Israel, including the conditional transition from stage to stage, allows Israel to maintain these principles.”

Note the words “THE EXACT OUTLINE”.

In other words: BIDEN IS LYING.

Edit to Add more from Amir:

When Barack Hussein Obama comes out of his hole and endorses Biden’s proposal - you know very well that it was his plan to begin with.

***Prime Minister Benjamin Netenyahu response to Biden's Speech

‘Non-starter’: Netanyahu says no permanent Gaza ceasefire until Hamas destroyed​

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Saturday there would be no “permanent ceasefire” in Gaza until Hamas’s military and governing capabilities were destroyed.

His comments, in a rare statement published on the Sabbath and only in English, came after United States President Joe Biden announced Friday that Israel had proposed a three-phase deal for a ceasefire in Gaza in exchange for Hamas releasing hostages, told the terror group to accept it and urged the Israeli government to stand behind it.

Israel’s conditions for ending the war have not changed: The destruction of Hamas military and governing capabilities, the freeing of all hostages and ensuring that Gaza no longer poses a threat to Israel,” Netanyahu said.



Later, Opposition Leader and Yesh Atid Chairman Yair Lapid slammed their statements, calling them a betrayal to national security.
Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich , and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir condemned the proposed outline for a hostage and ceasefire deal Saturday evening, and threatened to leave the government if Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accepted the deal.

"I just spoke with the Prime Minister and made it clear that I will not be part of a government that agrees to the proposed outline and ends the war without destroying Hamas and bringing back all the hostages," Smotrich stated.

"We will not agree to stop the war before Hamas is destroyed. We will not accept undermining the achievements of the war so far by withdrawing the IDF and allowing Gazans to return to the northern part of the strip. We will not permit the wholesale release of terrorists who might return to murder Jews," the finance minister declared.



Biden urges Israel to accept 3-part ceasefire, says it’s ‘time for this war to end’
***Prime Minister Benjamin Netenyahu response to Biden's Speech

‘Non-starter’: Netanyahu says no permanent Gaza ceasefire until Hamas destroyed​

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Saturday there would be no “permanent ceasefire” in Gaza until Hamas’s military and governing capabilities were destroyed.

His comments, in a rare statement published on the Sabbath and only in English, came after United States President Joe Biden announced Friday that Israel had proposed a three-phase deal for a ceasefire in Gaza in exchange for Hamas releasing hostages, told the terror group to accept it and urged the Israeli government to stand behind it.

Israel’s conditions for ending the war have not changed: The destruction of Hamas military and governing capabilities, the freeing of all hostages and ensuring that Gaza no longer poses a threat to Israel,” Netanyahu said.


"Biden: Israel offer is a 'historic opportunity, Hamas should take it'"

Biden lied!!
He made it sound as though Israel came up with the plans to cease fire as a part of phase one.
BiBi says otherwise.