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BOMBSHELL: Police Believe They Have Audio of OJ Simpson Confessing to the Murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman

Police believe they have audio of OJ Simpson confessing to the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman.
Simpson brutally murdered his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman in June 1994.

Despite overwhelming evidence pointing to OJ Simpson being the murderer, the disgraced football player was found not guilty.

OJ Simpson died in April 2024 just a couple of months after it was reported he was diagnosed with prostate cancer.

According to a search warrant obtained by TMZ, Minnesota police have several thumb drives from one of OJ Simpson’s bodyguards that has a recording of OJ confessing to the grisly murders.


I think most normal sane people knew he did it, and that he got off the charges for whatever reasons, incompetency of the DA or celebrity status. However he did it, that was just round one.

Once he died, unless he committed his life to Christ, there is no attorney that can get him off the eternal sentence that he will serve forever in torment without end.
I think most normal sane people knew he did it, and that he got off the charges for whatever reasons, incompetency of the DA or celebrity status. However he did it, that was just round one.

Once he died, unless he committed his life to Christ, there is no attorney that can get him off the eternal sentence that he will serve forever in torment without end.
Yep no legal loopholes etc with God