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Blinken waives human rights conditions, grants Egypt full military aid to recognize Cairo's efforts in reaching Israel-Hamas ceasefire deal

Egypt will receive its full $1.3 billion in military aid from the Biden administration this year, despite not meeting the human rights conditions previously set by the United States, according to a New York Times report.

This decision, which marks the first time the Biden administration has waived these human rights conditions, was reportedly made “mainly in recognition of Cairo’s efforts to reach a cease-fire deal in Gaza.”

The New York Times also reported that Egypt’s involvement in ceasefire efforts in the Sudanese civil war was another factor that led U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken to make the decision.

“This decision is important to advancing regional peace and Egypt’s specific and ongoing contributions to US national security priorities, particularly to finalize a ceasefire agreement for Gaza, bring the hostages home, surge humanitarian assistance for Palestinians in need, and help bring an enduring end to the Israel-Hamas conflict,” a spokesperson for the U.S. State Department said.


I noticed a few things here
The US is providing MILITARY AID to Egypt to assist in the "cease-fire efforts" at Egypt's border.
This is not humanitarian aid, but military aid.
So, while the US is aiding Israel to defend itself, the US is also giving military aid to Egypt that it can use against Israel because Israel is trying to keep Hamas from using the Egyptian border to funnel it's military equipment and possibly the hostages through the miles of tunnels going from Gaza into Egypt.
I also noticed that Israel's interests are not mentioned as one of the reasons to promote a cease-fire nor does it mention Israel's right to defend itself.
And clearly human rights are no longer a concern of the current United States administration as it struggles for headlines to help it stay in power.
The US apparently is running here and there involving itself in foreign conflicts with mixed messages particularly when it comes to Israel.
The US is supposed to be Israel's ally, yet continues to act on things against Israel's interests.
The US has troops to protect in the area, an obligation to assist Egypt with military aid for that border, including Rafah Crossing, due to the Camp David Accords, and strategic interests in the Sinai, Red Sea, Gulf of Eilat (aka Gulf of Aqaba), and Suez Canal. Failure of Egypt to secure the border against terrorists is a huge problem for Israel and US/Israeli interests in the area.
So Biden can secure Egypts border, but not ours?

Actually, the protection creates a bigger benefit for Israel than it does for Egypt, but the biggest beneficiaries are all the countries, which benefit from Red Sea and Suez Canal shipping/crossing. A lot of our stuff would be a lot more expensive and a lot harder to get without that shipping route. Remember the short-lived, but very noticeable issues, when the container ship got stuck in the canal.

You have to see Rafah Crossing to believe it. It's been upgraded since I was there last (1986), and Rafah is a LOT bigger now.

Border and crossing point that serves a First World nation (Israel), Third World nation (Egypt), and access to a fourth world terrorist-controlled area (Gaza), from which both the First and Third world countries need protection.

Yes, the Suez is on the other side of the Sinai, but the Sinai, itself, is uncontrollable along the Med from Gaza if the border between Israel and Egypt with access to/from Gaza isn't secured and operated by literally anyone other than the terrorists (PLO/PA/Hamas/Hezbollah). If the northern part of Sinai isn't protected, it's impossible to maintain safe operations in the Suez Canal.

And now with USSR in the southern part of Egypt with Muslim Brotherhood and into Sudan with access to the Westernmost side of the Red Sea west and south of Sinai, and South of Suez, where it could bloccade Suez traffic, it's even more important. The Multinational Force and Observers (MFO) (NOT UN-affiliated) have their work cut out for them, and they're in a precarious position in Sinai.