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Blasphemy from the pulpit. Billy Graham's grandson "Pastor" Tullian Tchividjian

This is Gigi Graham's grandson and he is going to have to answer to God. But I know this: Billy Graham and Ruth Ann Graham would be rolling over in their graves if they could hear this.

And people, if you don't want to hear the Lord's name used in vain repeatedly, then don't bother playing the video.
It is terrible to see and hear, most especially in a 'supposed' church and from the pulpit. I certainly wouldn't want to be him. I don't think he will live very long.

But nothing surprises me any more what comes from pulpits of churches. What church would allow such statements to be made? Why didn't elders and leaders of the church stand up immediately and call down such preaching? Fire him from their ministry and escort him out to never return? Immediately.

Just because he is kin to Billy Graham means nothing. Or, it shouldn't mean nothing. Sadly it probably does to today's church. The church thinks that the son of a Christian will always be a Christian. And that just isn't so. And this grandson of Billy Graham has the world written all over him before he opens his mouth. Why would a church ever entertain the idea of placing him in the pulpit? Because he is Billy Graham's grandson. So he must be blessed.

Children of God are not born from the union of man and woman. They are born by the Holy Spirit. Adam and Eve were children of God. But Cain never was. (1 John 3;12)

My opinion.

Same thing happened with Charles Stanley's son, Andy Stanley, who became a woke preacher that teaches all that is contrary to scripture, and is nothing like his father, Charles Stanley.
Bearing the name of someone doesn't always mirror what the name is known for.
Regardless of the name one has, The Only Name we follow is The Name Above All Names, Jesus. Philippians 2:9
But the problem is, the church allowed him in the pulpit. Why?

Hello Quantrill. It may be a symptom of the last days we're living in, the celebrity obsessed culture of the world and nepotism seep into the church. 'In the last days perilous times will come' (2 Timothy 3:1). Time for the elect to be alert, nothing should surprise us because of the days we're living in. Just because someone is behind a pulpit is not a guarantee that they're of God.

God Bless You :)
Hello Quantrill. It may be a symptom of the last days we're living in, the celebrity obsessed culture of the world and nepotism seep into the church. 'In the last days perilous times will come' (2 Timothy 3:1). Time for the elect to be alert, nothing should surprise us because of the days we're living in. Just because someone is behind a pulpit is not a guarantee that they're of God.

God Bless You :)

No doubt it does reflect upon the times we are living in.

The individual churches, could do much to insure the confidence of the people in the pews, when the leaders and elders of that church, show they have the courage to call down such blasphemous statements from Graham...immediately. After the very moment he said it.

The leaders should have immediately stood up, from wherever they were in the congregation, and hollard out 'shut up'. 'Say no more'. And physically led him out the door with warning to never return.

But, alas, the universal Church is lacking in such leadership today. But there are still many local churches that are willing to do just that. Praise God for them.

The Lord bless you also.

No doubt it does reflect upon the times we are living in.

The individual churches, could do much to insure the confidence of the people in the pews, when the leaders and elders of that church, show they have the courage to call down such blasphemous statements from Graham...immediately. After the very moment he said it.

The leaders should have immediately stood up, from wherever they were in the congregation, and hollard out 'shut up'. 'Say no more'. And physically led him out the door with warning to never return.

But, alas, the universal Church is lacking in such leadership today. But there are still many local churches that are willing to do just that. Praise God for them.

The Lord bless you also.

I would have walked out if I was in this service. Maybe even shook off my shoes at him lol