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Big Oil Shares Data Maps to Unlock Fresh Drinking Water for Millions of Africans

Ghoti Ichthus

Genesis 18:32, 2 Chronicles 7:14, Acts 5:29

Big Oil Shares Data Maps to Unlock Fresh Drinking Water for Millions of Africans​

By Andy Corbley
Feb 13, 2025

"Firms that conduct exploratory surveys for oil drilling have been sitting on mountains of geologic data that are now used to locate hidden aquifers of water for African communities.
Two-thirds of the African population is affected by water scarcity, but while this basic human necessity costs so little, the costs of finding underground sources are prohibitive for all but large development agencies or governments.
However, a drilling company founded by former petroleum industry men realized that in many regions of Africa where oil is believed to be present, extensive seismic surveys have pinpointed dozens of hidden water wells that the exploration companies weren’t interested in, and that water projects couldn’t afford to search for.
That company, Ruden AS, has spent years collecting this industry data in order to unlock freshwater sources for millions of Africans.
One in particular, now known as the Kimbiji aquifer, will provide 2 million Tanzanians with water for a century."
