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Big Government Has Come for This Small-Town Amish Farmer. Here's How He's Fighting Back.

Tall Timbers

Imperfect but forgiven
Staff member
"They came with a search warrant," softly spoke Samuel B. Fisher, a mild-mannered cattle farmer operating a 100-acre farm tucked away in Virginia's heartland. Fisher's bread-and-butter, Golden Valley Farms, carves out the scenic countryside that's a hop, skip, and a jump away from historic Farmville, a postcard-perfect small Southern town with classical Main Street charm.

The father of five had graciously invited us down to his idyllic pasture to rehash the whirlwind of unforeseen events that unfolded over the cruel summer. It was a tumultuous time on the Fisher farm, an upheaval that threatened to upend the man's livelihood.

"Then, they tagged the meat, so that we can't touch it; we can't sell it; we can't feed our family with it," Fisher told Townhall.

So sad. The government puts in rules, initially to protect the consumer. But industry, seeing profit potential, then comes in, technically obeys the rules (which do not control all additives because that would be impossible and, in any case, are predicated on the idea that man's science knows all there is to know of importance), but winds up producng food produced solely with low cost and high profit in mind, as opposed to the local farmers --men such as Mr. Fisher-- who are not interested in pure profit, but in a good healthy lifestyle supported by providing safe, quality foods to their customers.
Oh Lord help this poor man. He is trying to help people with their needs just how You tell us to do. The government is trying to hurt this man and his farm because they are considering this little farmer a threat. This is a sad story and this man needs Your help. Help this farmer get an attorney that will fight for his farm and his livelihood. Help his family to be able to feed themselves Lord God Almighty. Help this farmer and his family. Please help him Lord. In Jesus' mighty name I pray, amen and amen.
Oh Lord help this poor man. He is trying to help people with their needs just how You tell us to do. The government is trying to hurt this man and his farm because they are considering this little farmer a threat. This is a sad story and this man needs Your help. Help this farmer get an attorney that will fight for his farm and his livelihood. Help his family to be able to feed themselves Lord God Almighty. Help this farmer and his family. Please help him Lord. In Jesus' mighty name I pray, amen and amen.