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Biden's Israel shift: not enough for Democrats, too much for Republicans

President Joe Biden's demand this week that Israel improve humanitarian conditions in Gaza and support a ceasefire drew sharp attacks both from frustrated political allies who said the US president did not go far enough and opponents who said he went too far....

...The president has come under enormous pressure from his party's left wing to do more to address the humanitarian catastrophe for Palestinian civilians from Israeli attacks...

...While many Democrats criticized Biden for not going far enough, some Republicans, who have generally been more supportive of military aid for Israel, lashed out at Biden for his change in tactic.

Republican Senator Tom Cotton accused Biden of making the shift to aid his reelection chances. "To help his polls in Michigan, Joe Biden just strengthened Hamas's negotiating position. He effectively encouraged Hamas to hold out and not release the hostages. Shameful," Cotton said on X on Friday.



Zach. 12:3 comes to mind:
"And in that day‭ will I make‭‭ Jerusalem‭ a burdensome‭ stone‭ for all people‭: all that burden‭‭ themselves with it shall be cut in pieces‭‭‭‭, though all the people‭ of the earth‭ be gathered together‭‭ against it.‭"