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Biden won’t be charged in classified docs case; special counsel cites instances of ‘poor memory’


Unto Thee I lift my eyes. Ps. 123
Staff member

The decision caps off a yearlong saga and means Donald Trump remains the only president in history to face criminal charges.​

Special counsel Robert Hur has declined to prosecute President Joe Biden for his handling of classified documents but said in a report released Thursday that Biden’s practices “present serious risks to national security” and added that part of the reason he wouldn't charge Biden was that the president could portray himself as an "elderly man with a poor memory" who would be sympathetic to a jury.

Later in the report, the special counsel said that the president’s memory was “worse” during an interview with him than it was in recorded conversations from 2017. “He did not remember when he was vice president, forgetting on the first day of the interview when his term ended (‘if it was 2013 — when did I stop being Vice President?’), and forgetting on the second day of the interview when his term began (‘in 2009, am I still Vice President?’),” the report said.

Biden also had difficulty remembering the timing of his son Beau’s death, as well as a debate about Afghanistan, the report said.
“He did not remember, even within several years, when his son Beau died,” the report said.

And I totally agree with Spartan Sprinter:

Thread 'Get your popcorn out, Joe's in quite a connundrum'

On Telegram, the same question was asked:

Is the "elderly man with a poor memory" excuse an early pretext to activate the 25th Amendment? Clearly they have either Michelle or Newsom warming up in the bullpen. Jill will hold onto power like a bulldog with a ham bone. The only way to dump Joe is to use the 25th.
(James Woods)
The thing I wonder about is if God allows the right wing to win under Trump in the election late this year, what the implications are.

Because when God allowed Trump's win last time round in late 2016 8 years back (doesn't feel that long ago) there were several things that happened:

Slowdown and partial reversal of the economic destruction under Obama. Slowdown in the destruction of the US Petrodollar internationally and at home. BRICS started in 2009 and quietly adds members and power as BRICS and the SCO or Shanghai Cooperation Organization quietly build alliances to replace the military and financial leadership of the US.

Slowdown of the security breaches on the borders of the US. Partial reversal as the efforts to build a southern wall picked up again.

Slowdown in the plans for Putin to take over Ukraine. He invaded Crimea in 2014 under Obama. Similar circumstances in Syria - Trump scares Putin and puts the brakes on the push south by Russia into the Middle East. Plans get going to expand the SCO or Shanghai Cooperation Organization beyond Russia, China and a few Russian satellite states. In 2017 they add India and Pakistan. It starts to grow as a counterpart to NATO.

Slowdown in the Chinese plans to takeover the West from within using Huawei and other resources. Fauci's involvement in funding the Wuhan labs that let the plague loose on the rest of the world remains hidden until well after Covid breaks out in early 2020 in Trumps last year of his first term. Trump actually appoints Fauci to oversee the plague response. Listens to the wrong people a lot.

The Wuhan Institute of Virology continues to work on a terrible engineered virus with genes spliced in from Bat viruses, SARS, MERS, and HIV. President Xi wants a lethal virus as a weapon. Something dreadful happens in the fall of 2019 and it gets loose. Chinese officials continue to deny any problem till it becomes obvious by Christmas of 2019. A few cases emerge in the West but don't gather momentum until Jan 2020 when the Peace Plan is revealed.

Trump starts his presidency wanting a new style of Peace Plan in the Middle East. He is thwarted by circumstances time and time again in the long awaited release of this Peace Plan. Finally Jan 28? 2020 it's revealed. From that moment forward there is an exponential growth curve of Covid around the globe and by March the world is "shut down".

Many Bible prophecy watchers noticed that the new Peace Plan carves off areas of Israel given to the Jews by God, and gave them to the "Palestinians" on the condition that they behave. A very real disaster as Bill Koenig details as he connects the dots with the plague and the peace plan. (author of Eye To Eye, the Biblical consequences of dividing the land of Israel).

There was a sudden rise in weird right wing groups and odd quasi "Christian" leaders including the Q Anon, Paula White and others who all "prophesy" that Trump will win no matter what. Except he doesn't.


I saw a LOT of things slowing down, and at the same time a lot of things speeding up. Some was under Trumps control, a lot wasn't.


When Biden took on a third Obama term of Presidency it was obvious that

God was restraining (thru The Restrainer) a number of things during Trumps term, but those restraints were lifting and that the net result was laying the stage for a period of preparations for:

Global currency- as the destruction of the US Petrodollar resumed speed. The situation with Yemen and the Red Sea blockade shuts down shipping EXCEPT FOR Chinese, Iranian and Russian shipping strangely!!! Biden masterfully mismanages that crisis as well.

Global instability - as Biden pulled out of Afghanistan in such a way as to telegraph weakness and a reluctance to keep promises to the world. Biden projected weakness with China as balloons passed over US airspace, slowly gathering data without being stopped till the data gathering was done. In Poland Biden managed to both anger Putin and telegraph weakness simultaneously shortly after the invasion of Ukraine as Biden assured US troops in Poland, that they would see conditions in Ukraine for themselves (implying further involvement). NATO and Russia maintain an uneasy proxy war as various NATO countries and the USA fund and supply Ukraine in spite of evidence that Ukraine is also selling off some equipment on the black markets of the Middle East.

Open borders as Biden reversed Trump's decisions

FUNDING FOR IRAN as the funds were unlocked and Iran immediately used the funds to increase terrorism around Israel, Gaza, Syria etc

FUNDING FOR HAMAS, and other Palestinian Terror groups as the Taylor Force Act is repealed. (Trump stopped the flow of funds to terrorists using that Act)

The Tribulation control of populations and nations picked up as borders became more permeable and large amounts of middle eastern military age males flood into the West. Undocumented, unchecked. At the same time the UN thru the WHO launches a new treaty that becomes binding on the nations signing it (nearly everyone). That opens the door for UN control.

The Gog Magog invasion grows closer as Russia's invasion of Ukraine started up again immediately after Biden's Inauguration.

China has financial troubles, but they are "fixing" their problems by increasing war efforts.


I doubt if Trump is elected he can be the force for good that people on the right hope.

Too many swamp creatures on the Right as well as the Left who control things in Washington regardless of who is in the Oval Office.

Whether govt is on the left or the right, the globalists control much of both sides of the aisle. I noticed a lot of weird stuff happening the summer of 2020. I remember thinking that if Trump did win, he would have his work cut out for him trying to rein in the rogue elements on the right as well as the tantrums on the left.

Whoever lands in that Oval Office come the end of this year, I think things will continue feeling like they are speeding up towards the Tribulation.

We take the Off Ramp off that highway soon, with the Rapture.
I believe that the election will work out the way God has it planned to be according to his prophetic time table. We vote in November, but the new President doesn't take office until January of 2025. We know what is up ahead the man of lawlessness the ac will come on the scene. It isn't going to be pretty for those left behind. Evil people came against Israel and many people were killed so it looks like time is drawing really close to believers going home. :rapture: I :pray:our time is getting very near to leaving this evil sick world. Come Quickly, Lord Jesus! :rapture: