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Biden: US won't participate in, support offensive operations against Iran

President Joe Biden told Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the United States would neither participate in nor support offensive actions against Iran, an Israeli official told Axios on Sunday morning.

Meanwhile, Biden is set to convene the other G7 leaders on Sunday to coordinate a "united diplomatic response to Iran's brazen attack," according to a statement from the White House on Saturday night.

"Earlier today, Iran—and its proxies operating out of Yemen, Syria and Iraq—launched an unprecedented air attack against military facilities in Israel. I condemn these attacks in the strongest possible terms," Biden said.

Biden said he directed the US military to move aircraft and ballistic missile defense destroyers to the region over the past week.


**That senile man made the opposite statement earlier in the day

**Article from The Times of Israel today...

White House says support for Israel ironclad, as Biden readies to meet advisers regarding Iran strike

“President Biden has been clear: our support for Israel’s security is ironclad. The United States will stand with the people of Israel and support their defense against these threats from Iran,” the White House adds.

Complete article:


Top House Armed Services Dem: Biden Will Advise Israel ‘They Should Look to De-Escalate’ Where They Can​

On Saturday’s “CNN Newsroom,” House Armed Services Committee Ranking Member Rep. Adam Smith (D-WA) stated that he believes the Biden administration will advise Israel that “they should look to de-escalate across the board where possible.” Smith also argued that the Iranian attack on Israel “underscores the need to get to a ceasefire in Gaza, to get humanitarian assistance into Gaza, and to have an endpoint to that conflict, completely admitting Israel’s right to defend itself there, without question. But things need to calm down or Israel is vulnerable in the region.”

Smith said that the Iranian attack seems to be a “one-off.”

Host Alex Marquardt then asked, “Congressman, what do you think the messaging is from the Biden administration to Israel in terms of a response? Is it, to some extent, you knew this was coming, if it’s not too bad, you just take it on the chin, or will the U.S. be okay with Israel, say, carrying out a response against Iran proper?”

The diben administration thinks that "peace by capitulation or through weakness" is the path to follow. The world doesn't work that way... Even the antichrist will have to conquer towards the beginning of his reign and I don't think the antichrist will ever de-escalate, he'll expect his enemies to capitulate.
Examine Joe Biden's entire career as a politician. He has been wrong on EVERY major issue. Why would today be any different?
Anything he ever said correct, like videos show that he was against overwhelming our southern border with illegal alien crossings, has been totally uprooted and replaced with the most radical, wrong, domestic enemy talking points and mindset.