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Biden says Netanyahu must change government, Israel losing global support


US President Joe Biden warned Israel that it was losing support for the Gaza war and called on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to change the membership of his coalition which is largely opposed to the creation of a Palestinian state.

“They [Israel] are starting to lose that support” for the Gaza war, Biden said at a fundraising event for his 2024 re-election run in a further sign of growing U.S. concern at the high fatality count from Israel’s military campaign to oust Hamas from Gaza.

In addition, Biden said, “I think he [Netanyahu] has to change” the government because it “is making it very difficult for him to move.”


Biden has no credibility to say this.
He has trouble knowing where he is half the time.
Would America go for any other nation telling us how to run our government?
Would America allow any other world leader to dictate how to run our military and do as told or else when in the middle of a war of survival?
Yes. Israel is fighting for her survival and no other nation has a right to tell Israel what to do or else.

Well, we can see it this way...
Biden is confirming coming Bible prophecy fulfillment.

"And it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples; all who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces, though all nations of the earth are gathered against it"
Zechariah 12:3
US President Joe Biden warned Israel that it was losing support for the Gaza war and called on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to change the membership of his coalition which is largely opposed to the creation of a Palestinian state.

“They [Israel] are starting to lose that support” for the Gaza war, Biden said at a fundraising event for his 2024 re-election run in a further sign of growing U.S. concern at the high fatality count from Israel’s military campaign to oust Hamas from Gaza.

In addition, Biden said, “I think he [Netanyahu] has to change” the government because it “is making it very difficult for him to move.”


The US has had 3 good days on the ASX, he keeps this rhetoric up i'd hate to see what happens next
The US has had 3 good days on the ASX, he keeps this rhetoric up i'd hate to see what happens next
He's just worried because his favorability is going down with his own base because he has given military support to Israel and has pro Hamas protesters at the White House and his Delaware home.

I don't see any genuine support for Israel. He's got to much invested in Ukraine war.
I don't see US support anyway and Natenyahu is wise to not listen to those Regime's threats or baseless offers that only benefit Israel's adversaries.
“They [Israel] are starting to lose that support” for the Gaza war, Biden said at a fundraising event for his 2024 re-election run
In addition, Biden said, “I think he [Netanyahu] has to change” the government because it “is making it very difficult for him to move.”

I think Biden is more worried about losing support for his re-election

As for Bibi changing his govt by removing his hardliners, they are the reason he is there, large and in charge! Biden's got no clue about how coalition govts work and Israel is always in a coalition situation amongst the multiple parties and even more divergent positions that all the different MK's hold.

Note to Biden-- every time you open your mouth, you are making it MORE likely for Bibi to get reelected!

For some strange unknowable reason the average Israeli voter doesn't like to be told what to do and how to vote by a US "President" whose election relied so heavily on Dominion Voting Machines and middle of the night ballots arriving in key spots all across America.

I think Biden is more worried about losing support for his re-election

As for Bibi changing his govt by removing his hardliners, they are the reason he is there, large and in charge! Biden's got no clue about how coalition govts work and Israel is always in a coalition situation amongst the multiple parties and even more divergent positions that all the different MK's hold.

Note to Biden-- every time you open your mouth, you are making it MORE likely for Bibi to get reelected!

For some strange unknowable reason the average Israeli voter doesn't like to be told what to do and how to vote by a US "President" whose election relied so heavily on Dominion Voting Machines and middle of the night ballots arriving in key spots all across America.
Andddd. While those ballots were being counted....
The Power Went Out for several hours when Trump was in the lead and when the power was restored...
Miraculously Biden was in the lead! Amazing win! Nottt!
Australia is now copping judgements for its change of rhetoric against Israel , i'm almost certain of it:

  • The Northern eastern state of Australia is copping the worse floods in 100 years due to a tropical cyclone
  • Further South there is a plague of Cane toads
  • Our economy is up the duff and electronic banking systems are crashing every 4 days
  • My state of NSW has wild bushfires and is breaking records now with heat wave temperatures
Australia is now copping judgements for its change of rhetoric against Israel , i'm almost certain of it:

  • The Northern eastern state of Australia is copping the worse floods in 100 years due to a tropical cyclone
  • Further South there is a plague of Cane toads
  • Our economy is up the duff and electronic banking systems are crashing every 4 days
  • My state of NSW has wild bushfires and is breaking records now with heat wave temperatures
I will be praying for you and your country Brother.

"if that nation against whom I have spoken turns from its evil, I will relent of the disaster that I thought to bring upon it"
Jeremiah 18:8

The whole world is waxing worse and worse as God's Word foretold it would be, before the coming of The Son of Man.

I don't believe there's any place in the world that there isn't something, or multiple things, happening that isn't going chaotic.

The world is darker than it's ever been, but we believers are the salt and light of the world and we need to use God's Truth and The Gospel of Salvation to season this decaying world and reflect the light of Jesus brightly to give hope to those who are yearning for good when everything has gone so bad.

At this time it looks like Israel is becoming that "Burdensome Stone" Zechariah speaks of, when all the nations turn against Israel before Jesus returns to The Mt of Olives at His second coming.

Everything is moving so quickly and it's a time to rejoice that as we see these things happening we Stand up and lift up our heads because our Redemption draws near. Luke 21:28
I will be praying for you and your country Brother.

"if that nation against whom I have spoken turns from its evil, I will relent of the disaster that I thought to bring upon it"
Jeremiah 18:8

The whole world is waxing worse and worse as God's Word foretold it would be, before the coming of The Son of Man.

I don't believe there's any place in the world that there isn't something, or multiple things, happening that isn't going chaotic.

The world is darker than it's ever been, but we believers are the salt and light of the world and we need to use God's Truth and The Gospel of Salvation to season this decaying world and reflect the light of Jesus brightly to give hope to those who are yearning for good when everything has gone so bad.

At this time it looks like Israel is becoming that "Burdensome Stone" Zechariah speaks of, when all the nations turn against Israel before Jesus returns to The Mt of Olives at His second coming.

Everything is moving so quickly and it's a time to rejoice that as we see these things happening we Stand up and lift up our heads because our Redemption draws near. Luke 21:28
Thanks Rose, you're a gem