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Biden Expected to Veto Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act Preventing Illegals from Voting in Presidential Elections

The bill amends the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 to require voters to show documentary proof of United States citizenship. Under current law, states can only require proof of citizenship to register to vote in local and state elections.

The Gateway Pundit recently reported on the Democrats’ opposition to the bill and Minority Whip Katherine Clark’s (D-Mass.) efforts urging House Democrats to “VOTE NO” on the bill this week. Clark dishonestly claimed the new law would “prevent Americans from registering to vote with their driver’s license alone” and would make a passport the “only acceptable standalone form of identification,” which is complete BS. The bill outlines five acceptable forms of identification to prove citizenship.

The legislation will likely be dead on arrival in the Senate. But that’s not stopping House Democrats and the Biden Regime from stepping in and spewing propaganda to confuse Americans before the Democrats continue to allow illegals to vote in federal elections.

