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Biden DOJ Finds Pro-Life Advocates Guilty

Tall Timbers

Imperfect but forgiven
Staff member
Four pro-life activists were found guilty this week after being charged with violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act for peacefully protesting an abortion clinic in 2021.

Eva Edl, Eva Zastrow, James Zastrow, and Paul Place face six months in prison and thousands of dollars in fines after a one-day bench trial in Tennessee. This means the defendant's fate was placed in the hands of Middle District of Tennessee Magistrate Judge Chip Frensly who deliberated for less than an hour before ruling the four pro-life advocates were guilty.

Immediately after the verdict was reached, the defendants joined a group of supporters who gathered outside of the courthouse to sing and pray for them.

This is the culmination of the blood that has been spilled for the land, for right, for wrong, for ideals, and for idealists. From the old salt-stained boats that arrived at unknown shores and the weathered, callused feet that walked off of them and touched down in what would be known as "The New World" in that Age of Discovery, we persisted. And to when our boots were on the ground in the East, faces covered in dust, young ones sure they were fighting the good fight, oppressed by relentless heat, who peered through unsure windows and dealt with the glint of hostile eyes at three-hundred and sixty-degrees encompassed, and this is what we got. I have no words, I mean I have words, but nah. What a waste.