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Biden Continues Slapping Sanctions on Israeli Citizens; Not Just ‘Settlers’

Last month, the White House announced sanctions against four Israeli citizens, none of whom had been charged with any crime, for so-called “extremist settler violence.”

The language of President Joe Biden’s executive order is so broad that it allows the administration to adopt sweeping sanctions on any Israeli who lives across the 1949 armistice lines, or who supports the rights of Israelis to live and settle there, as the Trump administration recognized they could legally do.

As Caroline Glick has noted, claims of “extremist settler violence” are highly exaggerated. But the Biden administration is using the sanctions — and the threat of more sanctions — in an attempt to appease anti-Israel voters in Michigan and other swing states, amid growing dissatisfaction among the Democratic base with Biden’s handling of the war in Gaza.

Biden also reversed Trump’s policy that had once acknowledged that Israel’s presence in Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) is legal, and declared it “inconsistent” with international law instead. He is also reportedly preparing more sanctions on “extremist” settlers — a development that the Israeli government itself has called an “extreme” policy.


Are true cold, heartless, socialist-marxist people typically unbelievers?
Good question! If they are semi or quasi Marxists they might follow Jesus, I guess I shouldn't be so quick to judge.

True Marxists are atheists, to the core. He believed the world is only material, no spiritual meaning. He understood that people would naturally turn to faith in God, even if their lives were a struggle, and he set out to destroy that.
I thought countries could only sanction other countries or maybe institutions/organizations, such as drug cartels, not individuals.
Methinks this is a gross violation of international law, as no due process has occurred, and what makes President Biden think he has jurisdiction people not on U.S. soil in the first place? Just who does he think he is, anyway :tap:
US media reports that the Biden administration is considering forbidding Israel to use American weapons if it launches a full-scale military operation in Rafah on the southern Gaza border.
This can only have one of two outcomes, both of which are counterintuitive to what the Americans claim they are trying to achieve:
1️⃣ Israel's hands are tied and the war ends with Hamas still in power and still able to threaten Israel, ie. the terrorists win.
2️⃣ The IDF sets aside half its advanced weaponry (the US-made bits) and fights on with less sophisticated arms. This will result in much less precise and far more bloody operations, ie. a higher body count.
So, which is Washington trying to achieve: a Hamas victory, or more casualties in Gaza?

Israel Today on Telegram
Evil is as evil does.
Although I would never wish what it looks like he will face in eternity (Bribem), if he doesn’t repent….. all that’s happened under his administration is evil. I can’t see even one - 1 - just one thing that has come out of his theft of the presidency's that has turned out for the good of Americans, citizens, not illegals. And, although I know that God allowed him to hold office, I have to wonder if anyone (especially non-believers) has learned anything about how vital it is to our freedoms that one who is competent and pro-American only hold the highest office in our land? Look at even the lowest levels of government and it can be seen how easy it is for enemies to slip in and undermine what we took for granted.

I am so ashamed of those who hold office and show support for Israel’s enemies! What’s even worse is that these same enemies are also enemies of the US! Now tell me how ignorant it looks for someone who holds office in our country to support the very enemies that would love to blow Israel off the map, but also hate the USA right along with them! Although we know God won’t allow that for Israel, there’s really no reason, save the church, that the US isn’t blown to kingdom come, and perhaps that’s what keeps it from being mentioned in end times prophecy in the Bible.

I have a really hard time remembering that it was just about 4 years ago before the US declined like I’d never have imagined. Now it’s hard to imagine getting that back.

The amount of damage this group of globalists has done is really off the charts and that’s just what we know about, not to mention what lies we won’t know of should we be able to unseat the Democrat ruin of America! I’m trying to stay away from the news and focusing on my Joy, that is the Lord. I’m praying that His call will be soon! I will vote, God willing, but I’ll keep my eyes on Jesus!