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Biden Bureaucracy Prepares for Trump Win by Fast-Tracking Leftist Rules

Tall Timbers

Imperfect but forgiven
Staff member
The administrative state is preparing for former President Donald Trump to win reelection by implementing a surge of bureaucratic regulations before a deadline that renders them difficult to undue by a potential Trump administration.

Trump vowed to drain the administrative state or “deep state,” as he termed it, upon returning to office. Trump successfully deleted many of the administrative states’ rules during his presidency. Biden reinstated some of them.

The term “administrative state” specifically describes the phenomenon of unaccountable and unelected administrative agencies, including the national security apparatus, exercising power to create and enforce their own rules. The administrative state uses its rule-making ability to essentially usurp the separation of powers between the three branches of government by creating a so-called fourth branch of government not formed by the Constitution.

Biden’s administrative state in recent months appears to be working overtime to cement his agenda into the fabric of America. For example, the administrative state implemented 66 significant rules in April alone, a number that is greater than any month since the Reagan administration, a Regulatory Studies Center analysis found.

As during his first term, a lot of Trump's attempts to undo executive orders by diben will be slowed down/stopped in the courts. Trump may achieve less during his second term than he did in his first as the Deep State will be more ready for him. His winning the first time caught them by surprise since they thought they had planted the votes necessary in certain swing states for shillary to win...