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Biden brags about using ‘extreme pressure,’ threats against Israel

Biden brags about using ‘extreme pressure,’ Joe Biden told a left-wing journalist that he is wielding “extreme pressure” against Israel and that he has threatened consequences should Jerusalem not follow his agenda, in a bizarre interaction that was posted to social media platform TikTok.

At a White House event for influencers, left-wing journalist Jonathan Katz approached Biden and asked him about his characterization of anti-Israel campus protests as antisemitic.

Katz also asked Biden why he sent some $26 billion in military aid to Israel when far-left voices in his Democratic party are accusing Israel of genocide.

Despite an aide attempting to intervene to prevent him from speaking to Katz, Biden decided to answer the questions.

“Israel’s security in the region is essential. And that’s fundamentally different than how Israel acts in Gaza,” Biden said.

“As you probably know, I’ve been putting extreme pressure on the Israelis to open up more humanitarian access in Gaza. And I think we’re getting close.
“I’m pushing hard. [Israel is] not going to volunteer to” provide additional humanitarian aid to Gaza, Biden added.



White House enraged after Netanyahu publicly slams Biden for withholding arms​

Biden administration cancels meeting with Israeli officials on Iran, delivers scathing criticism after Netanyahu publicly rips White House for withholding military aid during wartime.

“When Secretary Blinken was recently here in Israel, we had a candid conversation,” Netanyahu said. “I said I deeply appreciated the support the U.S. has given Israel from the beginning of the war.” “But I also said something else. I said it’s inconceivable that in the past few months, the administration has been withholding weapons and ammunitions to Israel.”

“Israel, America’s closest ally, fighting for its life, fighting against Iran and our other common enemies.”

Publicly, the Biden administration expressed surprise at Netanyahu’s video statement. “We genuinely do not know what he is talking about,” White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said.


White House enraged after Netanyahu publicly slams Biden for withholding arms​

Biden administration cancels meeting with Israeli officials on Iran, delivers scathing criticism after Netanyahu publicly rips White House for withholding military aid during wartime.

“When Secretary Blinken was recently here in Israel, we had a candid conversation,” Netanyahu said. “I said I deeply appreciated the support the U.S. has given Israel from the beginning of the war.” “But I also said something else. I said it’s inconceivable that in the past few months, the administration has been withholding weapons and ammunitions to Israel.”

“Israel, America’s closest ally, fighting for its life, fighting against Iran and our other common enemies.”

Publicly, the Biden administration expressed surprise at Netanyahu’s video statement. “We genuinely do not know what he is talking about,” White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said.

I was DELIGHTED that Netanyahu let fly with that Truth Bomb! Time it came out for all to hear and stop that senile puppet of Obama from gaslighting the public.
I'm kidding here, especially since Biden certainly isn't worthy to be considered a king. I have wondered though if he keeps it up, might he find himself grazing on the White House lawn like ol' Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 5:21-22.
Some would say he's got the mind of a wild animal down already and he does hang with wild donkeys (Dems) so unless he wants to start chewing his cud, he might want to stop provoking Israel and start showing reverence toward our Holy God.;)

Netanyahu doubles down on decline in US arms shipments despite White House comments​

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu defended his very public dispute with the White House over a slowdown in the shipment of arms to Israel, noting that he was duty-bound to speak out about the sharp decline.

“Four months ago, there was a dramatic decrease in the munitions coming to Israel from the US,” Netanyahu said during the weekly government meeting.

He spoke as Defense Minister Yoav Gallant was in Washington, where the issue of arms is one of the topics on his agenda.

This kind of pressure may not help Israel resolve this issue. The people in power in the USA are working under satan's dominion and will just lie and lie and continue to do as they choose with regards to Israel.
I was DELIGHTED that Netanyahu let fly with that Truth Bomb! Time it came out for all to hear and stop that senile puppet of Obama from gaslighting the public.
The truth brings light to their dark souls and they hate that! Reminds me of vampires, hissing at the light of day in an old science fiction movie.

I love Netanyahu and pray for him daily! He’s got a very hard job to do and Bribem sure isn’t making anything easy on him. I’m sure that Barry’s pulling the strings here. The media has done a bang up job of not mentioning Edan Alexander, 19; Sagui Dekel-Chen, 35; Omer Neutra, 22; Hersh Goldberg-Polin, 23; Keith Siegel, 64. The five American citizens who have been held hostage for nearly nine months. Three other U.S. citizens were killed (Itay Chen, 19, an Israel Defense Forces soldier killed defending the border on Oct. 7; and two grandparents, Judith Weinstein Haggai and Gadi Haggai), and the terrorists still hold their bodies. I

So much evil in a country where four years ago, we looked so very different! Barn doors are still open and I’m sure that if the Dems loose in November, they will do all they can to make things worse for Americans. Bribem has already forgiven student loan debt after the Supreme Court said “NO.” He will keep bringing in more ILLEGALS to vote for him if he can get away with it and cheating won’t go away in the upcoming election. I have come to believe that if they win again, God has closed the book on the US and it can’t be long before Satan’s man shows up on the scene. The world is already looking for someone to do this job.

I guess they’re not worried about their circumstances when Christ returns as King. Don’t they know that God can’t be fooled?
Biden brags about using ‘extreme pressure,’ Joe Biden told a left-wing journalist that he is wielding “extreme pressure” against Israel and that he has threatened consequences should Jerusalem not follow his agenda, in a bizarre interaction that was posted to social media platform TikTok.

At a White House event for influencers, left-wing journalist Jonathan Katz approached Biden and asked him about his characterization of anti-Israel campus protests as antisemitic.

Katz also asked Biden why he sent some $26 billion in military aid to Israel when far-left voices in his Democratic party are accusing Israel of genocide.

Despite an aide attempting to intervene to prevent him from speaking to Katz, Biden decided to answer the questions.

“Israel’s security in the region is essential. And that’s fundamentally different than how Israel acts in Gaza,” Biden said.

“As you probably know, I’ve been putting extreme pressure on the Israelis to open up more humanitarian access in Gaza. And I think we’re getting close.
“I’m pushing hard. [Israel is] not going to volunteer to” provide additional humanitarian aid to Gaza, Biden added.


Joe better watch what he does against Israel because God will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel.
