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Biden aide urges Bejing to press Iran over Houthi attacks. China warns US over Taiwan independence


U.S. national security adviser Jake Sullivan pressed Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi during talks in Thailand to use China's influence with Iran to ease tensions in the Middle East. The officials also agreed to work toward arranging a call between President Joe Biden and Chinese leader Xi Jinping.

The meetings Friday and Saturday in Bangkok, which followed up on the presidents' discussions in November in California, took place after a ruling-party candidate opposed by Beijing won Taiwan's recent presidential election and U.S. and Chinese military officials resumed a once-frozen dialogue. They played out as attacks by Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen continue to threaten global shipping in the Red Sea.

A senior U.S. official said Sullivan cited China's extensive economic leverage over Iran and emphasized that the destabilizing effect of the Houthi attacks on international commerce. The official noted that China has publicly called for lower tensions, but said it was too soon to tell whether Beijing was using its diplomatic muscle to press Tehran on the matter. The official was not authorized to publicly discuss the private conversations between Sullivan and Wang and spoke on condition of anonymity.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry said Wang said Washington should stand by a commitment not to support independence for Taiwan. Wang said Taiwan's election, won by Lai Ching-te, the current vice president, did not alter the Chinese position that the island is part of China and that the biggest challenge in U.S.-China relations is the issue of “Taiwan independence," according to a statement from the ministry.


Is he dumb as a box of rocks or what???

China is working WITH Iran and Russia in the Red Sea - they have an agreement, their ships are NOT being targeted by the Houthis. They don't care if the States or the global economy suffers. That is part of the plan with BRICS which China, Russia and Iran are all part of.

China doesn't have any incentive to work for the USA in this. They are struggling financially and their shipping isn't under threat (except by accident). China has solid ties with Iran including NUCLEAR ties. Iran got their first round of the plague out of Wuhan when the Chinese scientists brought the plague to Iran in the early days of 2020. The Iranian nuclear program is aided and assisted by China.

The ONLY thing that has set China back is their own finances and that moment when Donald Trump invited Xi for his first visit after Trump won. Between dinner and dessert, Trump bombed some Syrian airports, then came back and enjoyed dessert with his guest.

Both Xi and Putin were wary of Trump and behaved around him after that little episode.

They have zero reason to cooperate with Biden and in fact every reason not to when you consider the aim of the BRICS is to introduce an alternate or several alternate world currencies into circulation in order to avoid any further US sanctions.